The Best SLEEP Music | 432hz – Healing Frequency | Deeply Relaxing | Raise Positive Vibrations
10 hours of blissful and relaxing 432 Hz music. This tuning is said to have a healing effect on our body, mind and emotions. Although we call this sleep music, you may find that it goes hand in hand with relaxing, meditating, studying, therapy, yoga, etc.
Mp3 DOWNLOAD full length:
iTunes 432Hz Miracle Sleep Album:
Royalty Free Music:
Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each-other and Mother Earth.
Modern science has begun to recognize what the ancient mystics and wise men have told us for centuries; that everything is in a constant state of vibration. Everything down to the smallest physical particle to the things we cannot not perceive with our (yet) limited senses.
The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance. Every organ and every cell in our precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. 432hz and 528hz tuned music creates resonance in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.
★☆★ The BEST Sleep & Relaxation Music for Children:
We are very proud of our hard work and commitment to create HIGH quality Guided Meditations, Affirmation audios, Hypnosis sessions, Solfeggios and Relaxing Music. We put our Heart and Soul into every video we create with the intention to create something valuable for YOU, so you can walk the path of life feeling much more positive, conscious and empowered.
Our a grand mission and life purpose to raise the energy vibration of our planet and to make this world a more Loving – Peaceful and Joyful place for ALL life. To help and inspire YOU and the other millions of people listening to our audios to awaken to that awesome POWER we have within us. Prepare to open up the gates and let the pure lifeforce from YOUR HIGHER SELF flow through you NOW. Enjoy your journey.
For Your Freedom, Love and Joy,
Kenneth & Alexander – PTMC
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*A book full of practical good sense and **** very much a life-saver for me right now. I have been practicing mindfulness for some time now, but this book really gives you a shot in the arm in terms of keeping up with practice and understanding all the psychological and physiological benefits available to you just by sitting still for a little while. Thank you.*
Sweet cake ball
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Sweet cake ball
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I’m 9 turning 10 next year it helps me get all the negative things out of my mind and it really relaxes me for my next day of school I’m actually using it right now
Oh very impressive that you are caring for your mind at your young age! You deserve a nice bowl of ice cream for that honestly
Today was my fathers funeral. I spent 12 years taking care of him. Now I can rest knowing he’s safe and happy.
@Kaye LV im sending love & light ur way ?reading this gave me chills
u are amazing !
@NAZMUL_AHSAN PLABONGod Bless you and my condolences ?
Laying here sobbing at 4:52 , couldn’t sleep ?, decided to turn to this positive frequency, as I wiped my tears and looked up at my phone I read your post. I miss my Mom who is Heaven , Dad’s in the hospital ?. I’m a single Mom and some times search for comfort and can’t seem to be find it.
Sorry for your loss but he is safe in heaven and he is proud of you and he is watching over tou everyday have a great day
To whoever is reading this: thank you for being strong and making it this far. Please keep going. Whether you know it or not, whether you feel it or not, the world needs you. And it is a better place with you in it. I hope this can bring you a bit of respite. If it doesn’t…just know you’re not alone in feeling this way, and I hope at the very least that brings you a bit of comfort <3
Keep fighting
Thank you for your kindness. These are words I needed to hear tonight.
Thank you ❤️
Thank you same
Such sweet pure souls ?. If you’re reading this I pray you get the breakthrough you need. I pray that burden that’s been keeping you up at night is lifted. You are smart you are brave you are loved !
@Tom Balthis uhm… i may agree that he does, as i believe all religions are somewhat true (i don’t worship that god but whatever floats ur boat) but… maybe, just maybe, it’s not something to say in an unrelated context.
@Wayne Smith q xq xq xq xq x
@no one: True that. The God of Abraham is literally history’s most malevolent terrorist character ever.
thank youn
I played this for my mum as I cared for her when spending the last few months of her life together. I still feel her near when I listen to this ?
May her soul Rest In Peace, stay strong ✌?
My mom died when I was nine years old and the day after that happened I started listening to wholetones
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.?
Thank you so much you made my day ?
@no one Yesterday is no longer. LIFE is change. KEEP THE GOOD STUFF. Try to live in Today. Sending thaughts Tiday of days of Joy, Gentleness, Good Health and Wealth with Lots of Love and Hugs. Share a smile …… I am thinking of You
Kind words and things we do worry about. ?
Thank you, Thank you and Thank you! you aswell ♥️
Thanks a Million ❤
I’m not sure if anyone will read this but i hope it reaches somebody that needs it… Remember, you’re loved and be proud of yourself. You’ve come so far and overcome so much. Allow yourself to enter a deep peaceful relaxation filled with warmth. You deserve it ?
i love you
This is so peaceful. My 4 cats all come out to the living room when I turn this on. They love it! Peace and love to everyone here!
Cats are so wise!
My cats love it too, PP.. ?? Sweet dreams from Italy ?? ??♀️
Cats know what’s up
I started having insomnia lately and the last night I went to bed at 5 am. Next night i laid down at 10pm with earbuds listening to this and drifted into a deep sleep. Thank you for helping those who need help sleeping at night?
@D B girl get some sleep tonight and I will too… if I can hehehehehee
@Mats Sundin Thanks! I’ll look into it and get checked out.
@D B sometimes thyroid problems are to blame and look into taking Magnesium supplements but do your homework on them. God bless
literally me right now. its so sad reading these comments seeing all the people hurting. this is the first time in my life where i have been dealing with something so hurtful that it keeps me up having sleepless nights. i pray everyone gets better from their rough patches <3 i love all you beautiful people
@PogiPaolo Prayers to you that it gets better and a quick healing ??
I don’t know if this really heals or not but the feeling I get when I’m in bed with this on is pure peace. It feels like time slows down and all my worries and problems go away. I hope that everyone is doing well and this brings them some relief from whatever they’re going through.
What a nice thing to say. Why are we alive?
True, it feels like time slows down
@Annie Huntley you get an answer yet?
I’d say….. it’s working.
I struggle from anxiety and this really helps me to calm down. Its something I struggle with from day to day… Its truly so consuming, the fear of things you know you shouldn’t fear. I want to go to places but discourage myself due to my anxiety. I can’t call someone or facetime someone without feeling overwhelming anxious and it never goes away, so much so that I feel sick to my stomach. Thank you for something that can help calm this feeling. ?
Your most likely a empath an wear your emotions on your sleeve. Please try to deal with your anxiety by self immersion therapy , do one thing that’s socially uncomfortable for you. I actually learned how to manage my social anxiety by going to an gentleman club. It does return if i isolate to long . I also stopped all pharmaceuticals and taking lithium orotate instead. Take 5 mg up to 4 times and work your way up to 10 miligrams if you really need it. Try not to go over 40mg total for a days cycle. My anxiety got so bad I was scared to leave the house and became afraid of children. I am sure your empathic.
Trust in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the Cross to save you from His Wrath which is about to be poured out upon the World.
It all comes back to the breath. It may seem like it’ll never subside, but it’ll only make you stronger and more resilient mentally in the end. I struggled with it myself for 7-8 years. It has to be a complete lifestyle change. Eating healthy foods, plenty of exercise, getting outside and DELETING SOCIAL MEDIA we’re huge helps for me.
Try Wim Hof method ❤️?
I recommend this for anyone who has nightmares or can’t sleep, it helped me and I still use it 🙂 <3
Trust in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the Cross to save you from His Wrath which is about to be poured out upon the World.
thank god i found this… I have a trouble of sleeping at night and im currently 17 years old..everyday when i want to sleep i just can’t.. i ended up looking at the ceiling at night till the sunrise…its quiet stressful and its been 1 year and half this situation happened to me..after i found this relaxing song i started to listen to it everynight. after listening for few minutes thank god i can sleep.. sometimes if this song doesn’t make me sleep..i tried eating sleeping gummy while reading a book but it took me 1 or 2 hours to make me tired
Look into valerian root and/or chamomile tea. Also REISHI mushroom taken regularly will help regular sleep happen naturally
My go to for a good nights rest, for the whole family ✨ Thank you ??
Reminds me of a place where my late husband used to go on vacation on the gulf of Mexico. All the condos faced the beach. One could sit on the balcony and just watch the sea and hear this beautiful sound 24/7. I’d take a book out on the balcony thinking I would read, but I couldn’t read. The ocean was so mesmerizing that I’d just nod off to the sound. With this video, I get to go back and enjoy the sound all over again.
@bill bright Then why is it so healing to get out in nature? Isn’t that just appreciation of God’s creation… admiring his work? Of course, holding him a above all else! In all due respect ?
We are to worship the Creator, not the creation!
Trust in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Golgotha to save you from His Wrath which is about to be poured out upon the World.
Goodnight everyone. Sweet dreams are coming your way. Relax and let this soundtrack take you on a relaxing journey during these stressful times.
Trust in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Golgotha to save you from His Wrath which is about to be poured out upon the World.
I’m 34, I am a breast cancer warrior and just had a few reconstructive surgeries on 11/12/21. Hopefully this will help me sleep. Hope everyone has an amazing night ?
@Sub to V1nce or I will find you to fail at ‘spreading the word of god’
i don’t understand either.
I wish the absolute best for you!!
The Same
Good luck! You’re So strong!
Listen to Anti Cancer by Sapien Medicine, I hope it will help you!
Saving this so I can reread the beautiful comments whenever I’m sad ?☺️?
this comment section is the most wholesome thing i’ve seen in a while. i’ve been going through some hard times and just listening to the music and reading the comments are making me tear up. i hope everyone who see’s this has a blessed & wonderful life ❤️?
Your strong king ??