Suspence Music for Reading a Thriller and Mystery Book
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Mistero 00:00
La Visione di Baruch 05:17
Jacques De Molay 10:46
La Notte Dei Tempi 14:15
Presagi Di Sventura 20:41
Profezia 25:06
La Scomparsa Del Continente 29:33
Qabbalah, scienza esoterica 33:37
Misticismo e Superstizione 39:59
Power of Thunderstorm 46:19
Desert Calling 54:43
Raining in Tanganica 1:03:24
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I’m so glad many people reading an Agatha Christie mystery while listening to this. I am reading the Murder of Roger Ackroyd. 🙂
Five Little Pigs✋
*i’m reading the same book
That’s what i’m doing right now!
I happen to be reading They Came To Baghdad!
“The killings at Kingfisher hill” here
It’s not easy to like people when you notice everything.
– Hercule Poirot
I’ve been writing my mystery/thriller for a couple years now and I’ve just about finished the third revision. It’s entitled Picture of Elizabeth. I can’t go into detail, but it begins rather simple and innocent until twists and turns gradually evolve it into a dark and suspenseful read. No character is what they seem. Sure hope I can sell it.
@Collin Thank you! It will be out soon.
Your book sounds so cool! I can’t wait to read it!
@zyn I’m not sure of the release date yet, but I will definitely post it here when I find out.
@Jennifer Barry 😀 do you know where it’ll be available and bought online?
I found a publisher. Picture of Elizabeth will be out in a month or so. This is a dream come true for me!!! ?
I’m currently reading “Death on the Nile” From Agatha Christie, and the music is perfect
Listening while doing my math homework so my brain turns on detective mode
I’m not reading or writing a book, I’m playing clue ?
The music sets the mood ?
Just started writing a supernatural horror/thriller/mystery and this music helps while I write!
We listened to this while my kids and I did a home made escape room! Perfect soundtrack! How much is licensing if I wanted to make a video?
Everybody is saying that they are reading Agatha Christie while listening to this and then there is me reading Sherlock Holmes series ?
I’m reading the mark of 4 currently
His last bow by our beloved sir Arthur conan doyle ?
I’m playing the Infocom text adventure Moonmist.
Same here
I write paper to this, it helps.
Makes me feel like I’m writing in a movie.
Awesome! Reading ,Stephen King, Bag of Bones..while listening to this. It hit the spot.
Writing my own novel whilst listening to this. I don’t know why, but having the right ambience always boosts my motivation immensely.
Oh Mrs. Lestrange, we’re glad our music accompanies your writing! What kind of novel is it, if we may ask? ✨
listening while writing my book….
Ayoo same
listening while writting my rpg 😀
It does wonders for the mood.
Same here. Hello fellow writers – good luck on your projects ?
Me too!
I just received my Hunt A Killer Mystery Box: Nancy Drew; Mystery at Magnolia Gardens.
I wanted some ambiance music to really get into the spirit of things!
I use this music as background while I write.
thank you – it helps
Listening while reading „Midwinter Murder” – Agatha Christie ✨?❄️
Well, pretty perfect for writing my Noir-Crime-Thriller…
not reading but this is surprisingly great to listen to when writing a murder story
It is really fit for those who reading mystery/thriller book/story like detective files and project loki in wattpad
*Me using this while playing Among Us*
Another amogus
Me using this while playing murder mystery 2
@Rabbit0 cause your sus!1!2!2!
That’s not sus