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Studying with poets long gone – A DARK ACADEMIA PLAYLIST (classical)

? I hope you enjoy this dark academia playlist! ?

I‘m thinking about making an ambient one in the future: Maybe one that is set in a forest or in the rain? Let me know what you‘d like to hear next! ?

00:00 – Dismantle (Peter Sandberg)
01:48 – Declaration (Johannes Bornlōf)
05:29 – Dark Taupe (Arden Forest)
08:02 – African Violet (Arden Forest)
10:34 – In a Bar in Buenos Aires (Franz Gordon)
13:17 – Nocturnal Waltz (Johannes Bornlōf)
15:21 – Nocturnal Daydream (Franz Gordon)
18:43 – Kobicha (Arden Forest)
21:16 – Ava (Kaspar Schill)
24:01 – The Art Teacher (Franz Gordon)
27:30 – The Crossing (Gavin Luke)
30:39 – Off All Things (David Celeste)
33:06 – The Crossing (Gavin Luke)
36:14 – The Rose And The Thorn (Johannes Bornlōf)

? Check out my latest dark academia playlist:
? Listen to this playlist on Spotify:
? I get my music from EpidemicSound: (You can get a 30-Day free trial with this link ?)

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? Themes: dark academia, piano music, soundtrack, reading, studying, study, light academia, aesthetic playlist, classical, relax, chillout, background, ambient, music mix, radio station, coffee shop, instrumental, study with me, royalty core, pianist, beats to study to, beats to relax to, classical music, main character, classical piano, nostalgia

#darkacademia #aestheticplaylist #studyplaylist

? Instagram: @helene.elinor

Please don't repost without my permission!



    1. RaptorTV

      Are you kidding or what? The first composer is being googled perfectly. Peter Sundberg is alive and well. But that’s not even the point. The musical genre is easily recognized. This is not a classic, but a neoclassical. Don’t mislead people.

    2. ibra kdabra

      Actually it’s not , classical music tend to have more composing , no offense for this wonderful play, but if you search some classical music; just with piano like Debussy, Chopin, Tchaikovsky you will listen to more complicated composing and much difference..

  1. felix cited

    ~+_Full Timestamps_~+
    00:00 – Dismantle (Peter Sandberg)
    01:48 – Declaration (Johannes Bornlōf)
    05:29 – Dark Taupe (Arden Forest)
    08:02 – African Violet (Arden Forest)
    10:34 – In a Bar in Buenos Aires (Franz Gordon)
    13:17 – Nocturnal Waltz (Johannes Bornlōf) (one of my favorites!)
    15:21 – Nocturnal Daydream (Franz Gordon)
    18:43 – Kobicha (Arden Forest)
    21:16 – Ava (Kaspar Schill)
    24:01 – The Art Teacher (Franz Gordon)
    27:30 – The Crossing (Gavin Luke)
    30:39 – Off All Things (David Celeste)
    33:06 – The Crossing (Gavin Luke)
    36:14 – The Rose And The Thorn (Johannes Bornlōf)
    (the first half of timestamps are also in the description, which i copied)
    41:59 – Dismantle (Peter Sandberg)
    43:48 – Declaration (Johannes Bornlōf)
    47:29 – Dark Taupe (Arden Forest)
    50:01 – African Violet (Arden Forest)
    52:34 – In a Bar in Buenos Aires (Franz Gordon)
    55:16 – Nocturnal Waltz (Johannes Bornlōf)
    57:21 – Nocturnal Daydream (Franz Gordon)
    1:00:43 – Kobicha (Arden Forest)
    1:03:15 – Ava (Kaspar Schill)
    1:06:00 – The Art Teacher (Franz Gordon)
    1:09:29 – The Crossing (Gavin Luke)
    1:12:38 – Off All Things (David Celeste)
    1:15:05 – The Crossing (Gavin Luke)
    1:18:14 – The Rose And The Thorn (Johannes Bornlōf)

    remember to drink water, and enjoy!

  2. roseypluto

    My favorite part of these playlists is always the comment section. It has NEVER disappointed me; always filled with lovely people striving to achieve their goals and just get through the tough days. Keep it up y’all <3

    1. iced coffee addict

      True, I listen to these while doing my homework so I can go to university and become a therapist to give teens like me the help that I never received, but desperately needed, comments like yours motivate me to keep going, thank you <3

    1. Hannah Moats

      I have started listening to classical music while doing homework, it actually gives me more motivation than I have when I am not listening to it. It’s very enjoyable, it gives you something to have in the background other than just the sounds of your house or wherever you are!

  3. JonanHyden

    To everyone who’s studying with this music:


    • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate?

    • Your charger. You sometimes don’t even notice that your device’s battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time?

    • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it’s a late night study session, you won’t wake up anyone?

    • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕

    • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨️

    •Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy ?

    Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it’s cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.

    You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that’s even better than listening to music while reading the book. ?

    I hope y’all had a good day, if not, that’s okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight ??

    1. nerd for stop motion clay animation

      I have my first day of freshman year soon and I have an entrance test because it’s an academy program. Thank you so much, I’ll be using this ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. K.S.


    my heart fluttered as my fingers smoothly played across the piano, every touch creating a sound which we once called music. Every tile, every piece I play, every song I write, I only continue to wish for you to have been the one I was touching. Running my fingers through your hair, touching your back, soothing you of any stress you’ve been through, anything. I would’ve done anything for just one hug from you. But then again I remember you’re not real and this is just a melody.

    1. Meloncholy

      I wrote something similar I like your writing. Please write more. I feel as though we may be writing about similar concepts. But I would rather leave the answer unsaid and for us writers to just let our intentions flow. Flow like our fingers across the piano keys.

  5. I hate chuuya

    For all my art lovers…

    By the Styx , I sat
    Beneath a sky of lies
    I see the black carriage
    As black as winter nights
    I ran , ran
    My dress billowing
    Everything came , halt
    A silhouette waved
    Invited me
    Converse with mystery
    This man , a nobody
    Aren’t we all

    Centuries pass
    I see the pale moon
    It stops , I exit
    “Who are you ? ”
    ‘ I am Death my love ‘

  6. bella bloodflower

    Senario for the music:

    I walked through the rows of bookshelves, leaving the beautiful library and making my way into the garden.
    The fairylights lit the area. The white statues seemed to dance as I walked around in different angles to the willow tree close by. I had brought a blanket and my fantasy book, along with a picnic basket. The skirt of my soft brown dress flowed into a circle around my waist as I sat on the fuzzy fabric. My head rested against the trunk as I opened the book.

    It started with a poem. The next page was the intro to a new fantasy world. To a new daydream. To a new home. I suddenly had wings, a crown on my head, jewelry of magic, and I was one of magical royalty.

    Reality faded. This was my reality now. Even if it was only for a couple hours

  7. Hạ Nhật

    Comment section has always been the best part, feel like I can meet my soul family here.
    Guys, your words really impact on others, in a wonderful way that I couldn’t explain.

    Such a grateful to find this playlist. Thank you so much Helen ?
    WIshing you all a lovely day

    1. Sal StudiosZ

      finally someone that thinks like me!
      it looks like reading the comments as fast as you can while listening the music going faster just brings the feeling of crying and dancing in the rain or in the middle of a muddy forest

      idk just went through my head <3?

  8. Bella

    I stared into the aged eyes of the man.
    “What a shame…” He started, then sat down. “To be so young, yet not know what love is.”
    “I do!” I said, appalled. “Love is when they care for me, or when they stay by my side when I’m sick. Or when-”
    “My dear, that’s _admiration_ which is quite different from love.”
    “Alright, then. What _is_ love?” I crossed my arms.
    “Love is when someone asks, ‘Do you love them’, and only one person comes to mind, without a name. Love is when their beauty is no longer important; when admiration becomes inspiration. It’s what gets you through your day.” He leaned forward, and with interest, he asked me the question he asked earlier. “Do you love them?”

  9. the one and only Ari

    I just remembered why I had stopped listening to playlists like this. The moment of having to take the headphones off and go back to the life outside my room hurt too much. But now I feel like meeting with a long lost friend again and I don’t want him to leave so quick ?

    1. Marisa Woods

      @Swag ꕥ Sweetheart you are never too old to start anything in life. If you think about doing something for a long time then its probably a sign you should be doing said thing. And remember, you don’t have to be good at something in order to enjoy it.

    2. Swag ꕥ

      I’m turning 15 in 2 months and to this day I still regret it how I never started taking dancing lesson. I love dancing but my mom never signed me in dancing groups. Now I’m to scared to ask my parents lol. Sadly I can’t relate to your pov

  10. hj 3876

    -play this video in one tab
    -play any combination of coffee shop sounds, rain sounds, fireplace sounds, or thunderstorm sounds in another tab at a lower volume to create the listening environment of your dreams (i personally recommend “rain and thunderstorm sounds” by the guild of ambience)
    -get a warm cup of your favorite beverage, mine is black tea
    -happy listening <3

  11. ReLaxing Chill

    Currently Stationed in Japan as a US Marine. Took a vacation to Fukuoka. Right now, it’s 4am, and I’m sitting on my balcony looking at the city and vibing to this. Finally, things feel right in my life.

    1. Axolotl

      Thank you for your service, as a kid I don’t know the pressure of being a Marine or how many enemies you have to harm, but I appreciate you nonetheless. You are all brave and it’s awesome that we have people courageous enough to fight in wars. Thank you again

  12. Ara_Faye

    POV: You wanted to feel alive

    The lingering sound of whispers in the rain kept me awake, I was physically there in my bedroom, my eyes wandering to find the moon that hid somewhere in the clouds on that rainy night. My mind was somewhere else, it was in the eyes of a deep blue sea that raged across the South, it was dehydrated in a wildly hot desert where all you could see was miles and miles of sand, it somewhere and everywhere, picturing scenarios and dancing across the plains, how I wished to feel alive, how I wished to feel more than just being there, how I wished that there was curiosity and the want to be alive, physically and mentally. Only wild dreams and imaginations kept me awake, only peace was found in there, a mind of wonder and a mind of despair, perhaps it wasn’t the misfortune that I went through as a child, perhaps it wasn’t the loneliness that entered my soul when everyone left, perhaps it wasn’t because i preferred to convince everyone I was mute by my silence and perhaps it wasn’t my ignorance that led me to a terrible fire that could’ve been stopped if it wasn’t for the absence of my soul that left my body that afternoon, and i kept wondering to myself, ‘What have I done so terribly in my life to deserve such pain from a young age. What misery, what damage have I caused to be so unlucky and misfortune…’ Yet at that time of age, I was 17, going to 18 and the only thing in my mind was a sense of dark humour that I shared to nobody but my cat, Avery and my hamster, Jeffery. Avery and Jeffery were two of a kind, it would be weird to say, ‘as if they understood me’ but who is there to judge me if no one really acknowledges my presence.

    This is not a story with a happy ending where I get accepted into society, this is not a story of someone finding me similar to them, this is not a story where I have a happily ever after because in my experience, not every life has a happy after, especially not this one.

    In this big world, the only person you can rely on is yourself, because you are the only person that will be with u, every step of the way.

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