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Speed Reading ✍ Binaural Beats Study Aid for Focus and Concentration ✍ Music for Studying

Speed Reading ✍ Binaural Beats Study Aid for Focus and Concentration ✍ Music for Studying

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(Headphones recommended at low volume)
Speed reading study aid featuring binaural beats for alert focus, and a spaced repetition system for super learning & memory. Can be used to aid recreational reading.


This brainwave entrainment audio is designed for you to speed read through your study material in the first 30-60 mins of your study period. During this phase you don't have to feel pressured to memorise everything at once – only what you can.

Your memory consolidation will continue with further, more deliberate study periods as you review what you covered in this speed reading/cram phase. Subsequent study periods serve to 'fill in the gaps'.

What this audio aims to provide is a solid foundation for 'unconscious competence' – the ability to recall information effortlessly, which is achieved through spaced repetition.


Part 1 (00:00) features ambient music & binaural beat frequencies between 12hz & 16Hz (beta) which promote focus and productivity. Part 2 (30:00) features the same beat frequencies with a variation in the pitch, plus the addition of white noise in the background.


Below I've listed several ways you can use this audio; please feel free to adapt them to your own individual preferences. Be sure to take a 5-10 minute breaks every 25-30 mins.

1) Use one part to speed read through your material and the other to recap and take notes.

2) Speed read AND take notes at the same time through either or both parts.

4) Speed read ONLY without taking notes

5) Speed Read throughout the entire duration of the audio. Repeat the audio, but this time, take notes.

6) If you want a challenge, read through your study material once-over, then take a break and try to recall what you can from memory. Jot down whatever you remember in your notebook. Don't worry about being well off the mark.

Which method works best for you? Let us know below. Also feel free to share any methods you've devised for yourself.


So you've skimmed through your study material (well done for making it this far!) and rendered a rough 'mental sketch' of the information that needs to be learnt. Maybe you don't remember everything, but that's fine! What you have now is a solid foundation for further study. Through continued, more deliberate study practice, you can further reinforce and internalise the study material, 'filling in the gaps' so to speak. For a list of study aids to use after this, see the links provided below.


Through repetition, certain areas of your brain emit strong electro chemical signals. As a result the neurons strengthen the neural pathways associated with memorisation, and as they do, they exchange information in the form of chemical and electrical signals at the synapses, which connect the neural pathways.

Put simply, each time your study is repeated, this 'thickens' the synapses (connections) between the neurons. As a result this ensures that the information is more likely to be recalled at a later point. This is what leads to the subconscious integration of not just study material, but literally any skills you may acquire in life, such as learning an instrument or learning to drive a car.

Eventually you will reach the point where you can recall information with no conscious effort. This is known as 'Unconscious Competence'.


After finishing with this audio, you can continue your repetition based study practice with the following audios, replacing the 'Cram' sections if necessary, or using them in addition to this audio:

Choose your own music:
Spaced Repetition Playlist:

As always, if you have any questions, we're here to help!

Study Tips:



  1. Hayden Blevins

    I am here 7 years later. This is awesome. I had to finish a book from school that would probably take me 45 minutes for 3 chapters but it on took 20 minutes. I appreciate it and will defiantly use this more!! ?

  2. Michael De Piazza

    I so appreciate this recording, especially at the 30 min point and beyond! I noticed a sharp increase in focus that was maintained even after this recording finished.  Thank you very much.

  3. durrdurrdoo

    The sounds after the 30 minute mark made my head hurt..mainly my sinus cavities. Also, made eyeballs feel like they were getting squeezed. I started it over but too late. I’ve got a headache now. Luckily, my reading was about done. 🙁

  4. The Brainwave Hub - Sleep, Focus, Mindfulness

    This method could potentially revolutionise the way you study. Spend the first 30 mins to an hour just cramming what you can without the pressure of memorising everything right away. Then reinforce what you’ve learnt by repeating your study as many times as you think is necessary. Features beta binaural beats in two parts. Read the description for details, and please share with your friends! 

    Speed Reading ✍ Study Aid Binaural Beats for Alert Focus ✍ Repetition for Super Learning & Memory

  5. siperono

    the second part, which starts at minute 30:00, caused in me a need of pausing the lecture and sing icaros (and other type of medicine songs). i love it, i feel great, but i’ll stick to the first part when reading

  6. Usha Sharma Poudel

    my exam is near so i m using this. i was bad at focusing but in 1st time i noticed i was focused and my brain was working so fast.. and i understand difficult theories and derivations in very short time.

    thank u so so so much….???

  7. The Brainwave Hub - Sleep, Focus, Mindfulness

    *Hey folks!  I hope you found this video useful, and would really appreciate it if you could help support the channel by giving the video a THUMBS UP and possibly SHARING it on Facebook, Google + etc*

    1. Deana Placanje

      +Brainwave Hub ● HQ Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones for Self Growth & Mind Expansion I’m not sure but ,if anyone else wants to learn about study skills try Sarparder Speed Study Starter ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my cousin got amazing success with it.

    1. The Brainwave Hub - Sleep, Focus, Mindfulness

      @Jeremiah Rowe
      hehe, it’s not unusual for people to hear odd sounds after listening to brainwave entrainment for prolonged periods. My personal experience, especially after listening to something like beta or gamma, is that everything sounds quite distorted afterwards, i.e. the sounds in my environment (like my laptop fan) fluctuate to the same rhythm as the beat I’ve been listening to. I think it’s referred to as ‘persistent audibility’.   

  8. Glen McCullough

    Extremely helpful, In addition to reading faster, I also noticed that while taking notes during my studies my typing speed increased to about 3 times it’s normal speed. Thank you!!! for the BInaural beats.

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