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Sleep Music Delta Waves: Relaxing Music to Help you Sleep, Deep Sleep, Inner Peace

Sleep Music Delta Waves: Relaxing Music to Help you Sleep, Deep Sleep, Inner Peace and Autogenic Training. Relaxing Sounds for Relaxation Meditation, Tai Chi and Reiki. Meditation Music Video, Meditation Video with Delta Waves to Help you Sleep.
visit our website at www.meditationrelaxclub.com



  1. Zen Music

    While your scrolling through comments, if you read this one, just know that your not alone. Everybody has hard days sometimes. There is always a new fresh day. Just like a new fresh sheet of paper to draw on.

  2. Music is life

    to anyone reading this im so proud of you & thank you for being so strong & for living another day. whatever you’re going through, i promise you, it will pass. sending peace, love, strength, and prayers to you all. God bless you all <3

    1. earthstorm369

      my friend I pray the universe guides you threw a beautiful path in your life and nothing but great journeys lay ahead for you keep kind always love your self and others even threw the tuff times my soul is here for you and so are millions of others. always know your not alone threw this path of life and always tell your self you can do it and always know if you do ever fail at something it’s only going to make you wiser and stronger threw your quest of life you seek meaning in .
      Today is the youngest you will ever be don’t let the sand of time slip aimlessly threw your fingers but hold that sand and treasure it . . bless you all .

  3. Fanta1709

    This video helped me the most when I couldn’t concentrate on my studies. I was listening to this while writing my BA thesis and now I’m studying for my final, state exam. Just thank you!❤️ I’m sure this will help me in the future as well ✨

  4. Beautiful Relaxing Music

    Hey you. Yes, you. You’re probably scrolling through the comments, like I am, reading all these motivational comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep, and don’t stress about everything going on in the world, or what you are going through. Don’t dwell on things from the past, don’t stress on your future. Just live your life, because you only get one. Do whatever makes you happy, not what other people want from you.
    For me, I’m gonna wake up tomorrow morning, get some exercise, and cherish life for the amazing blessing that it is. I hope you do the same and have an amazing day as well!
    Stay safe and stay relaxed <3

  5. G Z

    This helped me a few years ago when I was struggling with anxiety and drugs, I couldn’t sleep in silence and this created a good environment for my mind, now I am clean and married, i come to this video everytime I need some help to sleep and remember that will happen and tomorrow will be a new day, god bless you all.

  6. umang bhavsar

    This music helped me alot to overcome with my depression and made sleepy during those sleepless nights. I recovered and got married, now my 3yrs daughter listen for good sleep.
    Thanx to all musicians worked hard after making this.
    Thanx a lot.!

    1. MeditationRelaxClub - Sleep Music & Mindfulness

      Happy to hear about your story of success! But don’t forget that it was not the music that helped you, you did it all with your own strength. Stay strong!

  7. God

    No ones probably gonna read this, but hey everyone! I first found this video in 2013 when i was a kid. This video really did help me go to sleep back then. I still come back to this video every now and then because it always helps me sleep. I’ve developed a lot of bad habits that have affected my health, one of them being not sleeping on time or not enough sleep. High School made me lose sight of the value of sleep, but i’m in college now and I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes. I always try to go sleep on time these days, but today, I just can’t sleep so I’m coming back to this video to keep me on track. I already feel sleepy so goodnight and thank you to anyone who reads this. Hope you have a good night’s sleep <3

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