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Relaxing Music & Rain Sounds – Beautiful Piano Music, Background Music, Sleep Music • You & Me

Relaxing music and rain sounds (10 hours) by Soothing Relaxation. Beautiful piano music ("You & Me") in a 10 hours long version composed by Peder B. Helland. Stream or download music from Soothing Relaxation:

? Track information:
Title: You & Me
Composer: Peder B. Helland
Index: ★148
Album: Rainy Days
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? Message from the composer and creator of Soothing Relaxation:
"I am a composer from Norway and I started this channel with a simple vision: to create a place that you can visit whenever you want to sit down and relax. I compose music that often can be described as sleep music, calm music, yoga music, study music, peaceful music, beautiful music and relaxing music. I love to compose music and I put a lot of work into it.

Thank you very much for listening and for leaving feedback. Every single day I am completely astonished by all your warm support and it really inspires me to work even harder on my music. If you enjoy my work, I would be very happy if you decided to subscribe and join our community. Have a wonderful day or evening!"

– Peder B. Helland, composer for Soothing Relaxation

© Copyright:
Music composed/arranged by Peder B. Helland.
Footage/photos licensed from:
• Pond5: photosoup

☀️ Relevant hashtags:
#relaxingmusic, #relax, #soothingrelaxation, #music, #sleep



  1. Peder B. Helland

    Hello everyone, thank you so much for listening to my music. This track is called “You & Me”. Is this your first time here, or do you listen to this music often? Feel free to check out my artist channel as well if you want to listen to more of my music. Have a great day! ?

  2. Laurence Mosley

    I love this music so much. I suffer with really bad anxiety and my thoghts go wild at night, this is the only thig that makes me feel better. Thanks so much to Peder for creating this piece for the public. To all of those reading this, live your best life and don’t let naything get you down. Have and nice week ?

  3. Wolf X Gamer

    Specially this video and the positive comments make me feel better ? and i also want to thanks the creator of this video and those people who write positive and peaceful comments


  4. Nay

    I cannot sleep without this on at night. My whole family listens to this all night while we sleep. My 7yr old in here room.. my 19yr old son in his room, and myself, my husband and our 4yr old every night. If u walk thru our hallway, you’ll hear this in 3 rooms of the house. Once we discovered this about 3yrs back, we never went to bed without it.

  5. Musicas Gospel General

    If you’re reading this I just want you to know that you are a fantastic person. We all get stressed sometimes, and I just hope you remember that there are people that love you. Take care, and stay safe. Lots of love from Norway.

    1. Elizabeth Beighley

      So precious… Thank you…Peace n Blessings to you n your loved ones . ….n to all who feeling overwhelmed tonight….It’s going to be ….ok …bc we all love you
      UR loved.

  6. TheForgottenScotsman

    Last year I was in a really dark place and I didn’t want to be here anymore. But listening to this and talking to people around me about it really helped me a lot. I’m no longer in that bad place I’m the best I’ve felt in a long time. To everyone scrolling through the comments just take it one day at a time you’ll get there ❤️

  7. NatureBlend07

    This is my first comment ever on YouTube.
    Whoever is reading this, YOU ARE NOT ALONE; stay strong and don’t let anything break you.
    And to everyone who left a comment below; thanks for the positive vibes, I love you as well ♥️

  8. Wan mo

    Actually I hardly fall asleep at night. I’ve to sleep between 8 or 9pm. If I deny to get sleep around this time, then I’ll have to stay awake whole night awake because of sleep disorder. Whenever I listen to this music, I felt like I’m being loved and I’m not alone so that way I can sleep. It gives me peace of mind n relaxation. Every night I listened to this song and I really feels great. I really want to thank the one who made this track. For me I feel like this song is the best for my sleep!

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