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reading unknown books in an abandoned library (classical music)

reading unknown books in an abandoned library (classical music)

00:00 Refreshing – Megan Wofford
02:27 By the Border – Lama House
05:07 Before the War – Lama House
08:06 In This Moment – Gavin Luke
10:53 Finding Melody – Gavin Luke
15:29 A Presence Felt – Gavin Luke
18:33 The Joys And Sorrows Of Life – Johannes Bornlof
21:20 Gekka – Sayuri Hayashi Egnell
24:33 Heart of the River of the Sun – Lama House
27:05 Reminiscence – Johannes Bornlof
29:38 Himitsu – Lama House
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  1. RinZu -Kohai Dessu

    reading unknown books in a lost library while its raining outside here is the best feeling in the world. I cant really express it. Imagining it to myself, my mind is actually traveling in the fantasy. It is really “THE DREAMERS” Indeed!

    Tnx for posting it the dreamers, you made my midnight rain special.

  2. Emma Loughrey

    This music always makes me very happy. I don’t know what the reason is, but thank you for creating this master piece of a playlist. Sending lots of love and happiness in the times are rough to everyone! <3

  3. Rachel

    I haven’t been a subscriber for long, but can I just say that I love your playlists sm!! The dark academia vibes are just beautiful and I immensely enjoy reading while listening to them <33

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