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read with me ? | 45 minutes + piano & rain sounds

you can now translate this video to your own language! ♡

hey everyone! ?

i'm back with a real time read with me video today. i really like the idea of these read/study with me videos, and have been wanting to film one for a while. if you grabbed your book and got cozy yet, let’s read together! please don’t forget to share your current read with me in the comments section 🙂 enjoy the video!

? the book in the video: the girl who drank the moon


? music by pair piano:
rain sounds from:

// my channel’s instagram:

// for business – businessbyshin@gmail.com



  1. n o r i

    hello, shin : )
    i’m going through a hard time right now and i just want to say that your videos made my life so much easier ! they bring peace to my mind and i couldn’t do without them : )

  2. *Hattie *

    I’m trying to get into the habit of reading! And it’s so relaxing to have a virtual reading buddy ? I’m currently reading the girl the dog and the writer in Rome by Katerina Nannestad ??

  3. Mariewenn

    Yeyy! Today I’ll be motivated to read. I really want someone to read with me but I know no one, tho TT^TT. But here’s your video, thanks a lot for this aesthetic and relaxing video! <33

    1. Airsoft Ghoul Official

      someone needs to learn how to use “aesthetic” right aesthetic is not a certain thing it’s its own thing for instance I love the aesthetic of this restaurant. I die inside every time I see a comment like this

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