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  1. chillin station

    00:00 – 03:57 01 – Dirk Maassen – Two Skies
    03:57 – 07:21 02 – Alexis Ffrench – Bluebird
    07:21 – 12:32 03 – The Piano Guys – Perfect
    12:32 – 16:50 04 – Henry Smith – Halo
    16:50 – 20:21 05 – KHATIA BUNIATISHVILI – 3 Gymnopédies_ No. 1, Lent et douloureux
    20:21 – 25:34 06 – IGOR LEVIT – Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2, _Moonlight_ _ I. Adagio sostenuto
    25:34 – 27:43 07 – Alexis Ffrench – Wishing
    27:43 – 34:58 08 – IGOR LEVIT – Piano Sonata No. 2 in A Major, Op. 2, No. 2 _ II. Largo appassionato
    34:58 – 39:54 09 – Alena Cherny – Gnossienne No. 1
    39:54 – 42:46 10 – Henry Smith – I Can’t Fall in Love Without You

  2. Jodi Wilberger

    Beautiful music. I loved my belated husband like this. He was a part of me and still is. He died of cancer at 54…I was 53. We were married 32 years. That was 17 years ago. I’m 71 now and have never dated or moved on from losing my husband. Met him in high school when I was 16 and he was 17. I still dream of him often. He was the love of my life. But, I wish I had moved on and dated. I may now. His death left a hole in my heart that has needed filling, but never ever forgotten. He looked as beautiful to me after he passed away, when I kissed him good-bye, as the day we married. Such beautiful memories. We had two children and now have five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Love lives on.

  3. Twootopia

    2 years ago, I fell so deeply in love with someone, but I was too nervous. Then the pandemic hit, and I quite literally wrote a fairytale for her.
    A 400-page tale. I wanted to keep her memory and my love preserved until we next met. I was hoping to see her again, but that happy ending never came. Star-crossed I guess…

    1. Fatma MK

      @Rocky Tom That was a heartbreaking story … Sometimes family doesn’t advise us the best. Before, I used to think that my family was always right no matter what. Now I grew up and I noticed that it’s ok not to follow your family if their advice aren’t worth it.
      Thinking by myself is the best thing I learnt in my entire life.
      Also, take time to think. Don’t make a hurry decision. Let yourself some time. Make choices when your mind and heart are at peace.
      All the best brother.

    2. Woland's muse

      I did the same thing with my first love…. and it has been 2 years for me now as well, I see we’re in the same boat ?sadly, my feelings for him have faded away, but the memories of my own fairy tale live on.

  4. Scientific Girl 2015

    This made me realize that I’ve never been loved before.

    P. S. Thank you guys for all the love and support you showed me, you made me believe there’s still hope in humanity and that one day I’ll be finding my true love ?❤❤

    1. Contending for Truth

      There’s a holy GOD in Heaven, Who created you and I for His glory, but our sins have separated us from Him. the wages of sin is DEATH, but the FREE Gift of GOD is eternal life in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. CHRIST died for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. repent, stop living in sin, and believe in the Gospel.

  5. youthfulangel

    knowing that my life and our world will never look and feel like a fairytale makes me grieve for something I never had. I want to be surrounded by glistening rivers and lakes, ponds and streams. I want to be surrounded by flora and fauna everywhere I go. to look up and see only a leafy canvas far above. I wish for a world where I can dance in a flowing dress, in an ancient castle somewhere unknown. I wish for a world without political worries, without technology and without the horrible things that can’t be stopped. I wish to be happy, and that is all.

  6. Shedweller

    Being an author can suck sometimes. Especially a new one. When you’re just figuring out character design and you accidentally fall in love with a character you make is the worst feeling ever. Knowing you just created your own emotional attachment that you couldn’t resolve yourself. It sounds really fucking stupid but it hurts.

    1. Prenz Pandeling

      @Francine finish it please, and give them the ending they deserve. Though you’d miss them, that’s how it goes and that means you really love writing and is genuine about it. You’re not some-kind who just claims that he/she can write. You write with you soul and heart?☺️

    2. Prenz Pandeling

      I write too and I really understand what you’re trying to say. But isn’t that a beautiful feeling we could hold onto? It is. Don’t worry ’cause even if we get hurt because of that attachment, still we’ll have memories and good and deep emotions we’ll reminesce someday☺️?

    3. Yafania Torres-Martinez

      Yes! That is how it feels. I have a character I have to kill and my heart breaks because I want him to like. I grew to love him. But he’s not staying for the whole story. Plus, his death is a catalyst for my mains.

  7. sorrrisoface

    For all the lonely souls:

    You can find your soulmate even if it seems impossible. I found my soulmate in another country.

    It was destiny. I learned his language in uni (we had choice between a European or Asian language, I got European by random). Shortly before graduation I started to feel like I will leave my country very soon. I never planned to leave even my city and I hate changes in general but this feeling was too strong. Like something you can’t avoid.

    We found each other online 4 months after my graduation. Long story short, we are together for 4 years and married for one. Leaving my country was the price I paid though. I still cry a little when I think of everything I left but… without him I felt much worse. + there were lots of coincidences in this story which make me think it was all planned by the Universe.

    Before meeting my S/O I was very shy, lonely and strange and I was sure that no one would ever love me. If someone told me 5 years ago that I would be here now I would’ve just laughed. Now I believe that miracles happen no matter what.
    If you feel lonely and you are reading it, I’m sure you will find your happiness too even if it seems unlikely right now. Don’t give up,

    On topic: I really loved the music, thanks to the author ??❤???

    1. sorrrisoface

      @Andrea Simeckova thank you for sharing your story! I think it’s beautiful!

      About moving: I realised a bit too late that it hurt because I searched comfort in the wrong places. For example, I lived in a big city and loved to go shopping. Now we are in a town without any malls nearby. I suffered because I wanted to go shopping like before, but what I *really* wanted was the feeling of getting nice new things. I tried to order stuff online, it’s something I had never done before. It helped, the feeling was the same and I found a new positive thing which didn’t remind me of home thus didn’t make me feel homesick.

      I still miss my country but it’s getting better. There was a moment of weakness when I almost gave up and almost refused to move. It would have been a huge mistake. I think if you feel this person is your soulmate it must be true. I felt the instant connection with my s/o too. During our first conversation ever I literally mentioned (predicted) our marriage lol xD

      Thanks for the kind words, and I wish you good luck too! Believe me true love is worth everything in this world. And if you are loved you can find happiness eveywhere. I really hope that you and your soulmate will be together and everything will be very good for you two ? hugs

    2. Andrea Simeckova

      @Catherine Standaert I always thought the same and I was right.. I found him. And I can guarantee you. You will find your soulmate as well. Just hold on, the time will come and you’ll be so confused and happy at the same time <3

    3. Andrea Simeckova

      Omg, that’s such a beautiful and comforting story. Exactly what I needed to hear today. Two weeks ago, I met my soulmate in another country. He’s from Croatia and I’m from Czech republic but the feeling is so strong. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. Now I’m back home and it’s like a piece of me is missing. I can’t do anything without thinking about him. I think one day I will have to do the same as you – move.. It will hurt as hell but as you say, it’s much worse without him. I know FOR SURE that he’s my soulmate. It’s impossible to describe..
      Thank you once again, I really needed to see that it IS possible if you really want to make it possible <3
      Good luck with everything, you're very lucky, don't forget that <3

  8. Dream Sounds

    Don’t worry, this pain you’re feeling is temporary. Close your eyes and remember that tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start. Take deep breaths, you’re gonna be alright, I promise ❤

    1. Ivonna Bott

      Спасибо за ваши слова, но вряд ли это может помочь. По крайней мере в той ситуации, в которой я нахожусь, они уж точно не помогут.
      Пока я пряталась в метро вместе с другими киевлянами, моего дома и многих моих знакомых просто не стало. Но мне ещё повезло остаться в живых, я должна радоваться хотя бы от этого.

  9. Asian Ms.

    The young me, dreaming of fairytale romances and a dashing man to sweep me off my feet
    Reading love-filled novels and sighing with longing
    At 38 years, single mom… I finally admit that I’ll just be a spectator
    Cheering along the sidelines for lovers who found their soulmates
    Dreaming and wishing for their happily ever after
    Imagining how their hearts skip a beat while in each others arms
    Them creating memories that will keep them warm in cold nights
    I’m happy for them.. I truly am
    But, sometimes those unchecked thoughts evade me
    In the honesty of the dawn.. when the world is silent
    A deep feeling of loneliness
    Of longing …

  10. s

    There’s this very old beautiful castle I like to visit once every year, everytime I pass the courtyard I hear classical music being played. It’s usually empty there and the only thing you can see is one singular open window and the green leaves around the outside of the castle moving to the wind. Classical music students go there to study music as part of a university programme. Whenever I hear the low sound of music from afar, it makes me feel almost like magic is pulling me towards that one window. There’s a rose garden right in front of it, away from the rest of the castle’s yard. It’s so beautiful.

    1. Gardenia Brune

      Then it does in fact prove their point. If you need someone else’s love to love yourself, it sets you up for a very tricky situation. If the person becomes distant- you doubt yourself. If they leave- you are left in pieces. I know it’s so hard, but finding hobbies and a community and being in nature will help you connect and start to really love yourself. Once you do that, love may come along when you least expect it 🙂

    2. 21choonh

      It’s possible. However, you at least have to be the person you dream to be with. Don’t wish of something you’re not. Instead of looking for “the one”, be the one. Until then if you have perfected yourself in the way you could possibly be, there will always be someone who’s going to love you and make you realize why they loved you since you were already the one for them in the first place. That’s one out of many ways on how you’ll find your way into loving yourself.

  11. vcasxsnk

    i always feel i’m stranded here, as punishment- and that there’s someone watching me from afar, through a looking glass in part pity, part longing. they want to help me but cannot, the most they can do is sneak in a few moments of luck and happiness from that place, in my mind. random flashes of a world i cannot recall, have never seen, floods me at times and im left compounded in these feelings, wondering why would something I’ve never experienced, bring me such peace.

    1. vcasxsnk

      @loonatheuniverse i think it’s called hiraeth. longing for a home that doesn’t ‘exist’ // also very intriguing interpretation!! for me absence always correleates to punishment, like a time out.

    2. loonatheuniverse

      To me, it’s not a punishment. Whenever I see a certain picture or listen to certain music, I always get this painful but beautiful feeling. Flashes of sceneries i’ve never seen, scenarios i’ve never been in or just view of people i’ve never encountered floods my mind. It felt like I lived those kind of lives before, each scene were different from each other but gives off the same painful warmth. I was trying so hard searching in google whatever it is called or does it it have a name but I have never gotten an answer.

    3. Anne Llewellyn

      And I thought I was the only one.. it’s songs like these that make me realize I’ve never been loved, except in those dreams where I stumble past the edge of nowhere, and there is a man, who all my life I’ve felt has watched me, I always try to reach out but I wake up before we can touch. I want so desperately love, but this world has never felt like mine. I just like wandering through places where it feels like the human world has fallen away, and I hope in those moments it’ll never come back. It doesn’t feel like anyone should be made for this ache.

  12. Ms. Mage

    She sat on the rooftop of her school, eating her lunch alone. She wasn’t hated, and was in fact quite popular, but always preferred the silence. It allowed her to think. Of what, she didn’t know, but her head always seemed to drift to different dreams- or perhaps they were memories? She never quite knew, but always liked the visions she’d see.

    She’d see a younger girl that looked just like her- even with the same name- studying in a library. She was quite studious, in both real life and her visions. The library was large and filled to the brim with knowledge and fantasy, both of which probably forgotten. The setting seemed to be from hundreds of years ago, when there were horses and carriages and grand galas that filled her manor’s ballroom with wondrous music. If she closed her eyes and blocked out the world, she could hear the tune of the violins and piano and see the beautiful dresses and suits and taste the elegant food prepared for joyous occasions such as those.

    Other times, she’d see that other her playing with an older boy. From what she had picked up from the many visions was that his name was Cedar. He was tall, with golden hair that reminded her of the sun and green eyes that were not so unlike the leaves on a tree. She loved him, not romantically, but more in a platonic sort of way. By the look of things, he seemed to be okay with it, too. They stuck together as though they were siblings and went on many adventures. Through thick and thin, they were absolutely inseparable.

    She heard a rustling sound next to her. She looked up to see a head of golden hair leaning on her shoulder. She smiled.

    “You must be Cedar.”

    “I’m glad you remembered me.”

    1. Omnictac

      Where to begin
      Roses on earth yearning at the night sky
      I have changed
      Pandemonium is like an organized flight
      Thought it was all-right
      It was a great soar
      ‘Till the following night
      Thinking of him when I watch telly
      Caught on what I thought managed
      Does he long as I
      Don’t the soul have a mate

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