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Music to put you in a better mood ~ Study music – lofi / relax / stress relief

? Music, thank for Dreamhop
? Dreamhop Music on :
? Listen to "Little Soul" on Spotify :

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#LittleSoul#Chillmix# Focusmusic

?? Thank you very much, artists :

Track list :
00:00 Passing by
01:57 Forever
04:16 Curly Hair (ft. tibeauthetraveler)
06:27 Someday
08:58 By Your Side (ft. Amess)
11:38 Falling Leaves
13:48 In A Field
16132 There For You
18:51 Your Beautiful Warmth (ft. Project aer)
21:28 Dive (ft. Project aer)
24:21 Memory Lane (ft. S N U G)
27:26 Deepest Midnight (ft. S N U G)
30:34 Our Last Summer (ft. S N U G)
31:22 Vivid (ft. Cassidy Godwin)
35:07 Floating Montains (ft. Cassidy Godwin)
37:15 substancial Fortune (ft. Hokø)
40:41 Your Essence (ft. Trxxshed)
43:34 Faded Memories
47:25 Leaving Home
49:16 Watching The Stars
51:38 Treehouse
54:04 Departure
56:23 Dream Forest
58:36 Planets
1:00:50 Infinity
1:03:30 Crossing (feat. Toussaint Guerre)
1:05:40 After School (feat. WYS)
1:05:10 Blue Train
1:10:41 No Regrets
1:12:51 Umbrella
1:15:48 Autumn Winds



  1. Thea's_robloxYT

    To everyone who’s studying with this music:
    • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate?

    • Your charger. You sometimes don’t even notice that your device’s battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time?

    • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it’s a late night study session, you won’t wake up anyone?

    • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕

    • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨

    •Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy ?

    Reminder:After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it’s cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.
    You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that’s even better than listening to music while reading the book.

    I hope y’all had a good day, if not, that’s okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight

    ( This comment isn’t originally mine, but I think it can help a lot of people 🙂

  2. RemTheRobot

    Listening to this while grinding assignments. I decided I want to graduate early so I finished an entire class yesterday and now I’m finishing another today ✨
    Thank you for providing anti-brain-hurt audio

  3. JinJaeBae

    This music is the best when you don’t want any distractions. If you listen to music like kpop or any of your faves it actually distract you from studying. This music vibe without any lyrics make it possible for me to study.

    Btw, I’m reviewing for my pre-board exam.

  4. You Are Magic

    You’ve outdone yourself with this one. This mix is like a combination of some of my favourite ones from you, but with a new layer, I like the jazzy feel too. Listening to this in the morning, afternoon, evening and after work has been a great mood lifter. Thank you for making the sounds/music you create. You are appreciated! ?✨️?

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