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Mozart Relaxing Concerto for Studying ? Classical Study Music for Reading & Concentration

This classical music video features one of the most famous concertos by Mozart. It's useful listening to it while studying for improving concentration. Most relaxing and upbeat instrumental flute, harp and orchestra movement for reading peacefully.


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"Concerto for Flute, Harp, and Orchestra (Mozart) III. Rondeau – Allegro" by Alexander Murray, flute and Ann Yeung, harp, with the Sinfonia da Camera of the University of Illinois: Ian Hobson, music director (ibiblio.org/pandora/vorbis/index) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( )

– Pictures purchased at Shutterstock and used under a Royalty-Free Subscription License Agreement ( )
User ID: 166132752
Order ID: SSTK-0C4T1-7A22

#classicalmusic #musicforstudying #studymusic



    1. Lord jammy Jammy

      @Obey me Shorts that’s awesome I love Vivaldi four seasons got it on record it sound awesome through a gd stereo system I like music plants and bonsai art it great u sound awesome and intellectual

  1. Michael

    Fellow procrastinators, don’t focus on the feeling of displeasure while you’re studying or doing the task, focus on how good it’s going to feel when you finish….You will be able to goof off or enjoy other things without guilt once you finish !

    Put on some Mozart or other type of classical music, and enjoy the process !

  2. tertl

    Here are some steps on how to study well and not to get bored easily:
    1. Open your book, study and listen to relaxing, calm music like this.
    2. Next, 20 to 30 minutes, have a 5 minute break.
    3. Continue studying, do the same thing.
    4. Wish you good luck to everyone reading this! (And me too, obviously.)

    1. Taufik Ahmady

      Almost like mine :
      1. Open your book, study and listen to relaxing, calm music like this.
      2. Next, read the comment and reply some comment.
      3. Open steam account.
      4. Play DOTA2 at least one game to gain good mood.
      5. Back to open book, and listening calm music
      6. Next, read the comment and reply some comment.
      7. Play DOTA2 at least one game to gain good mood.
      8. And so on.
      9. Suddenly, it was 07.00 and I have not study anything.
      10. And fucked up at the test…
      11. Obviously I got +200 MMR that night

  3. Sehajpreet Kaur

    As a student i want you all to follow this sweet advise…
    1) turn off all devices except for the one that the music is playing on
    2) put a timer for 40-45 mins
    3) study very hard and try to focus
    4)when a timer is done then rest for 10 mins ( not to be on phone or television , instead of that you can clean your desk , recheck your work or to-do list ..etc.. )
    5) repeat as many times as you want but I recommend 3-4 times
    6) don’t stress because i know that you are going to give your best

    Best of luck!

    (edit : oh my god, thank you so much for 3k likes on a comment…..i have never got so many like ..I can’t believe…??❤️❤️)
    (Edit 2 you guys are really good ……..thanks a lot..?)

  4. SheriJ

    I love this! Have been using it since 2018 when I was studying to get into nursing school. Now I have graduated from nursing school and am using it to study for the NCLEX. It never fails me. It keeps me focused by blocking out all of the distracting thoughts that try to pop up during my studying.

    1. SheriJ

      @Rey thank you! My first day as an ICU nurse is in two weeks :). Good luck with your studies and career pursuit…remember to never give up no matter what! Nursing school is extremely tough and requires a lot of sacrificing, but just keep studying and be kind to yourself, always.

  5. Pawan Kumar Sharma

    I don’t know how this music is so powerful ….I think it is a result of many years of hard work and research….So soothing ,relaxing and just how deeply I was focussed in my studies for approx 2 hours that I don’t felt when that 2 hours went ….Thank you for this wonderful music and most important effective also ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. KOSM0S

    I love this! Have been using it since 2018 when I was studying to get into nursing school. Now I have graduated from nursing school and am using it to study for the NCLEX. It never fails me. It keeps me focused by blocking out all of the distracting thoughts that try to pop up during my studying.

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