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Morning Relaxing Music – Coffee Music and Sunshine (Elizabeth)

Morning Relaxing Music – Coffee Music and Sunshine (Elizabeth)

Title: Elizabeth
Artist: Ocb Relax

The OCB (One Conscious Breath) relaxing music series help you calm down. These music are great for relaxing, meditation, yoga, massage, studying, reading, sleeping, healing, stress relief, working and more. Original, calming and peaceful tunes created and uploaded to YouTube every week.

Music by OCB Relax
Video edited by OCB Relax
Thumbnail and background images licensed
Producer: Ferenc Hegedus
Video reference number: 017
All music is under the authority of Ocb Relax



  1. Alberto

    I was listening to the music while reading some comments that are just… so friendly, and I started to think: could you imagine living in a place with people that, at least, are so sincere and open to express this kind of “polite affection” to a stranger? **Sigh** I don’t know, sometimes living in a city feels so lonely and isolated.
    I wish you the best, regards from somewhere in the world

  2. Kiki _22

    Listening to this while I’m doing my yoga morning routine. Reading all the comments makes this experience so much enjoyable. Thanks everyone! May the light and the love inside you shine at your best everyday. World need us. Kisses from a sicilian girl ?

  3. 뮤직 메이트 Music Mate

    Growing up at the base of the Rocky Mountains I spent hours and hours in the forest and nearby lakes. The wind whispering through the pine boughs always made me catch my breath and stand still. It made me smile from the inside out and from head to toe. On many an occasion I would sit near a fire with the embers crackling and popping. Often with a mug cradled in my hands filled to brimming with cocoa or another warm beverage to chase the chill from my fingertips. In a world chaos laden these are the moments I hold in my mind when life becomes loud and less than peaceful. My thinking spot in the woods is always just a thought away. Just like this music now and the imagery of the fire that accompanies it. Is there really anything more magic? I think not.

  4. Canticos CCB CHANNEL

    This is pure and wonderful. As are you, one who reads this message. The universe pulled your attention here to let you know that you are loved, and you are needed. Stay strong my friend

    1. Elizabeth Tolbert

      My name is Elizabeth, so this video caught my attention. I’m going through a rough time in my life and I needed this comment so badly. Thank you for your kindness. I’m grateful to have been drawn to your message on this video.

    2. Global Girl

      What a mystical, untouchable and loveless thing that would be if it were true! I understand your heart in your words, and I thank you for the kindness in them. But you are missing the greatest comfort of all time. It is not a nameless, vague “universe” that gives us purpose…you are ALMOST there…keep going!..? it is the creator of that universe, in HIS personhood, who Loves us and sees us and knows us and gives our lives an incredible, meaningful purpose! You, dear reader, are not a mistake! You are planned and placed for such a time as this. The God who made birds and music and cosmos…made you…stopped everything He was doing and FORMED you in your mother’s womb!.. isn’t that INCREDIBLE?!? Birds and music and cosmos He spoke into being…but You?.. no, you are too precious to Him..he FORMED YOU!!!. Enjoy this beautiful music and get to know this loving Jesus… have a great day, CHOSEN ONE!

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