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Lofi Jazz Study Music – Calm & Chill Background Jazz Music for Work, Study, Focus, Coding, Reading

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“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.”
– Elbert Hubbard

We hope our music can spare you some head rooms to stay positive in your life.
Relieve any negative thoughts and just relax to stay creative!
From now on, your life will only be filled up with your emotion.

Sound of breeze, chirping, sea waves, leaf never invade our life. But, exists.

Our goal is to fill up the chilly air by the warmth of our music.
With the melodies that deeply travel to your memories.

We will be the background music of those scenes where you are the main character.

Original music by Musictag, © All rights reserved.
Original Photo by Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash.

#StudyMusic #WorkMusic #LofiJazz #LoungeMusic #CafeJazz #BookCafe #BackgroundMusic #Lo-Fi #lofi #lofiStudy



  1. sparky boom boom boi

    background photo is amazing! I love it so much its unreal. Also this music is lovely finally some study music that has different parts but isnt distracting and doesnt make me sleepy

  2. Yoyo Chan

    Thank you so much for providing great music!! You deserve much more followers?I literally listen to every pieces you upload now? Please continue to work hard and I believe your hard work will be paid off very soon!!??

  3. Modern Music Studio

    The animation of the old school computer and video games is really brings you some nostalgia! I like that the jazz beats kind of incorperatethat feeling in as well with some ofthe sounds added in the songs. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Henrique Dzn

    some kind of tracklist (kinda finished):
    1. 00:00 (hella chill) perfect
    2. 04:05 (kinda cute)
    3. 08:21 (oh yeah)
    4. 12:28 (80, 90s vibes?)
    5. 16:26
    6. 20:48 (love it)
    7. 24:57
    9. 33:10
    10. 37:16
    11. 41:37
    12. 45:43
    13. 49:58 (<3)
    14. 54:06 (refresh and cute)
    15. 58:04
    16. 1:02:27 (awesome vibe)
    17. 1:06:35
    18. 01:10:50 (:3)
    19. 01:14:48 (chill yeah)
    20. 01:18:55
    21. 01:23:16
    22. 01:27:22
    23. 01:31:37
    24. 01:35:45
    25. 01:39:43
    26. 01:44:06
    27. 01:48:13
    28. 01:52:29
    29. 01:56:27
    30. 02:00:34
    31. 2:04:54
    32. 2:09:00
    33. 02:13:16
    34. 02:17:23
    35. 02:21:21
    36. 02:25:44 (smooth ending)
    37. 02:29:51
    38. 02:34:07
    39. 02:38:05
    40. 02:42:12
    41. 02:46:33
    42. 02:50:39
    43. 02:54:54
    44. 02:59:01
    45. 03:03:00
    46. 03:07:23

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