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Falling into your own fantasy world // a playlist

I hope you are all doing amazing! I hope you all have a great day!! :))

I officially have a Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/ivoryyyplaylists
Please do not donate if you can not, this is only because I don't make money off of my videos themselves, this is the only so in the future I can get better editing software, to increase the quality of my videos for you guys, also I will be donating some money to different charities if I end up getting donations! Please do not feel obligated to donate, just watching my videos is enough support!

My channel is meant to be a safe place for people everywhere, for all reasons.
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About me:

none of these songs or videos used to make this are mine. All credit goes to every single rightful owner.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, SCHOLARSHIP, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. All rights to the created owner. This video is just for entertainment purposes



    1. Даня Демиденко

      This is the place, like something after deth: when you everywhere and everytime, when you don’t feel anything and at the same time you’re in your dream, when anything for you doesn’t exist and you don’t care about anything… I can’t describe this feelings…

  1. No Name

    I’m crying. I don’t know why, but I am. I guess I just yearn for the things I can’t gain. I just want something simple. I want to run in a field of flowers, feel the sun’s want caresses, be surrounded by a gentle breeze. I just want to admire the night sky and not worry about anything. I just want to live in a comfortable home. I just want to feel at peace.

    1. iheartYOGURT!

      @Danilyn Dimanalata exactly~ though I will most likely still get sad at things like this, I can remember that there are people that feel the same way as I that I can seek comfort in knowing. I don’t usually comment on things but what you just said, it has really put a bandaid on my heart :’)

    1. Stacy Hernandez

      I cried thus part.( well inside bc my family thinks I’m the person who dosent care and would laugh. They just don’t know my true feeling and it’s so hard to ley them out, like why can’t I just be normal….. but in this world we live in….wat is normal

    2. Lost Star

      I think it means that Chihiro is leaving her childhood in the island and Haku is telling her for not be afraid, it is just time to growing up, now that she is ready she can face the real world, wich is on the other side of the tunnel, where her new life is waiting

      Sorry if my English is not the best, my native language is Spanish. Hugs from Panama ?

  2. lemonxze

    She was the Moon
    He was her Sun
    As the world marveled
    At her serene beauty
    She looked at him
    With the dearest love
    She knew he was far
    She could never reach him
    She could never touch him
    But she saw him smile
    She saw him laugh
    And that was enough
    To make her shine

    Tbh this would belong to the other moon playlists but the music in this one esp Amore Mio Aiutami prompted me to write it ♡

  3. shut.up. pls

    Pov: You’re again in your bed, it’s not even comfy anymore. You just want to return to your world, where everything’s right- exactly how it should be.
    But you have school tomorrow and missing assignments, you have to see those people, be in all these classes, hoping teacher won’t take you to answer, because you have no clue what are they talking about. You don’t understand things that others call “ingredients” for perfect life, the demands of others about you.
    You hate this world, how u live, how u are as a person.
    And you’re trying to cheer up yourself saying you just was born in wrong world.

  4. Mari Mari

    I have an universe in my head. I thinking about to write it about an year almost.

    But everytime i sit to write, it’s like the magic has passed. In my mind it’s fantastic but idk how to show it for someone

  5. jellocat

    This is to everyone who is watching this video:

    One day I’m going to buy my own castle in a dark forest with fairys and mushrooms and beautiful flower field everywhere, when that dream of mine finally comes true, we can all live in the castle together! I mean it’s only worthy of cool people, and if your watching this you definitely have great taste.

  6. Ivoryyy

    – Timestamps! –
    0:00 What Falling in lovefeels like slowed
    3:03 Amore Mio Aiutami
    6:56 Clair De Lune Ethereal Remix
    11:29 The Swan ETHEREAL REMIX
    14:49 Sunken Cathedral – Debussy
    20:36 Ave Maria – Schubert
    26:52 Reverie – Debussy
    31:15 chopin – nocturne no. 20 in c sharp minor
    35:45 Faulkner – Daydreaming
    38:45 Mozart – Eine Kleine Natchtmusik – Andante
    45:30 Holst – The planets – Venus
    53:43 Ludovico Einaudi – Nuvole Bianche
    60:23 Einaudi – Experience


    Make sure you eat something and drink some water today, and if you have medication you need to take make sure you have taken them! <3
    Take care my loves 🙂 <33

    I have a Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/ivoryyyplaylists
    Please do not donate if you can not, this is only because I don't make money off of my videos themselves, this is the only so in the future I can get better editing software, to increase the quality of my videos for you guys, also I will be donating some money to different charities if I end up getting donations! Please do not feel obligated to donate, just watching my videos is enough support! <33

  7. emma joy

    I’m so sick of this world and everyone on it, no one knows what kindness means anymore and I’m sick of it. I wish I could live in space alone with nobody to tell me how to live, nobody constantly yelling incessantly, nobody to be mean to each other, just me.

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