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calming music to read & write to | part 2

Stream Part 3:

The perfect piano music to listen to while reading, writing, studying, and more. Subscribe to Lost Island Press for a new one-hour playlist every month:

Today's illustration features the book CAPSULE, a sci-fi thriller novel by Mel Torrefranca. Learn more:

Ad revenue directly supports Lost Island Press, an independent publishing house that specializes in dark young adult fiction. Stream our curated music playlists to support our future book publications.

Lost Island Press:

00:00 A Contrite Spirit • David Roy Collective
02:07 After All • Campagna
05:40 Approaching Distannce • We Dream of Eden
08:10 Vetur • Osker Wyld
11:28 Cap Blanc Nez • Michele Nobler
15:24 Dendrite • Lane King
17:36 Flowing • Borrtex
19:21 Gone From Here • Philip Daniel
24:30 Hydrangea • Crop For the Village
27:07 It Might Take a While • Evert Z
28:59 Joey • Jacob Pavek
31:06 Venice • Gael
32:44 Living • Borrtex
35:00 Tremors • Spearfisher
38:31 Opening Presents • Borrtex
39:50 Wishes • Lane King
43:56 Seine River • iamdaylight
46:28 Under the Waves • Borrtex
49:57 Courage • Borrtex
52:17 July Sun • Victor Spiegel
57:13 Morning • Caudio Laucci

► Playlist curated by Mel Torrefranca.
► Illustrator:
► Animator:
✔ All music licensed for use on this channel.



  1. Amelia the geek

    I’ve been writing fanfiction purely for fun, I don’t even want to share it with anyone, and these playlists have helped me get so much done. They can embody any and every emotion, and it’s just great to write with these.

  2. Nathania Demecillo

    Yes! It got posted earlier than I expected. Just hearing the first 2 musics that you picked made me know that I would love this Playlist. You really are an expert at making Playlists, Mel. I saw (heard) the two Playlists you made on Spotify for “Leaving Wishville” and “Capsule.” I also want to say that it was a good choice to add “Welcome to Wonderland” in the Wishville Playlist. I really love that song. Thanks for the video, Mel!

  3. Dabi

    I have ADHD and couldn’t concentrate on reading bc people were talking too loud so I looked up songs to read to and this popped up, well part one did. These videos are the only reason I can read today without being overly frustrated. Thank you, the songs are beautiful and the animation is gorgeous. Thank you again ? keep up the good work ?☺️☺️

  4. lzyshortiegal

    I love that both playlists are exactly and hour because I’ve been trying to take at least 1 or 2 hours of my day to write and it helps me track time. Thank you for the wonderful playlists!!!

  5. ・oldfashionedfireseeker・abby

    I know I already commented. But I am sitting here right now listening to this while working on college, and this is just gorgeous. I feel like I’m in a movie or something. And I adore that feeling. This playlist needs to be in a movie. Plain and simple.

  6. callmeastrogirl

    art suggestion for future music mixes: the setting can be the sky. the people can be sitting or lying on clouds or floating in the sky reading. maybe the moving element can be the clouds moving a little or the sky changing colors during a sunset/sunrise…

  7. Tiny Talya

    Thank you so much for this playlist! It has helped me greatly in editing my book, and kept me focused in the most wonderful and whimsical way. My mind has been flooding with ideas and energy because of this playlist, so thank you for infusing my creativity with life!

  8. lua atefi

    I always struggle picking the right music when doing my school work, the music would be so busy and I would loose concentration or too boring and not motivate me – this channel really has a balance and its just so so so perfect and right, I got so much of my school assignments done! LMFAO thank you for this!

  9. Carmen Almonte

    These playlists literally vibe with any book I write while helping me relax and just let the words flow! I really enjoy them especially on a night time writing spurt. Thanks for these amazing playlist! I hope you make more!

  10. aaron devoe

    I just started getting into reading again at the start of this year and for someone who don’t read I’ve read a total of 17 books (James Patterson Alex Cross series) this music eases the mind and makes it easier to concentrate on the words! Absolutely love it. You’ve earned my sub thanks for the amazing content ! 🙂

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