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Bible Reading Music Piano | Relaxing Background Music for Prayer & Reading

We creating our second Bible reading music creation as people are our loving our first. This time with a heavenly piano solo. The relaxing background piano music can be used to read your Bible verses, prayer, background music, relaxing or sleeping.

Some other great uses for our Piano music to read with the Bible are worshiping, sleeping, ambient music, sounds, anoited music and for meditation.

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#bible #reading #piano #sleep



  1. Emy Black

    this has become my favorite music to listen to when I pray. Been using it for months, every day in my afternoon prayer. I love your intrumental videos!! they are the best I found on youtube. the other ones are too melodic and distracting. It takes quiet ones like the ones on your channel to keep us focused on reading and prayer. Thanks so much.

  2. Rafael Banderas

    Let me pray for you please. Thank you lord Jesus Christ for everything you have done for us, for making us, our creator of the earth and everything you touch. Who ever is reading this boy or girl I wanna bring them joy and happiness, Lord Don’t let them drift away into the devils hands and keep them in your hands for they love you and you love them back. Lord Jesus help them with whatever they are struggling with like depression,lack of sleep, anything lord Jesus. Heal them. Make them feel like they are the most important person in the world. Amen and Amen.

  3. allie floyd

    are you going to bed?? let me Pray for you!! Dear Heavenly Father, our Lord please let this beautiful person reading this have a greats nights rest, the person reading this loves you our Lord and I do too of course!! we know you love us to!May everyone seeing this have a good day tmr and a good night tonight ! Thank you Jesus for everything Thank you God for everything! just Thank you?? Me and the person reading this love you so much ! Amen Goodnight everyone you are so loved and worth it i hope Jesus heals all/any sadness you may have ???

  4. zombii kitten

    Thank you for this I am a proud Christian!! I listened to this while reading the Bible! I heard God talk to me then leave to let me read more then he came back and we had a great conversation I’m so happy I’m getting to know the Lord more and more!! God bless you all and make sure you spread the gospel and tell everyone to turn to our father before it’s to late we do not want anyone left behind ? so please warn everyone the end times is soon!! God bless everyone! Don’t forget to pray??

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