Best Music To Listen To While Reading! #3 – Manga/Novel/Webtoon… – Most Inspirational Music Mix!
This playlist contains 30 of the best Inspirational Music tracks!
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Tracklist: [Song Name] – [Artist Name]
00:00:00 Final Stand – Mark Petrie
00:03:45 Starborn – Alibi Music
00:06:48 Ichor Flows – Mark Petrie
00:09:24 We Will Never Die – Lionel Schmitt
00:11:22 Glorious Morning – Waterflame
00:13:13 Elucidate – Audiomachine
00:15:22 Solar Gaze – David Tobin
00:18:10 Glorious Morning 2 – Waterflame
00:23:07 Revolution – Eternal Eclipse
00:25:40 Deadwoos – Really Slow motion
00:28:45 The Wolf And The Moon – BrunuhVille
00:32:37 Invincible Spirit – Mark Petrie
00:34:42 They Died For Us – J.T Peterson
00:38:11 Against All Odds – Mark Petrie & Gina Brigida
00:40:59 Mares Of The Night – Glen Gabriel
00:45:16 Supermacy – Really Slow Motion
00:47:04 Master Of Shadows – Symphony Of Spectors
00:49:22 Invincible – SimBi
00:53:17 Arise – Gargantuan Music
00:56:09 Kneel Before The Crown – Audiomachine
00:58:38 Traducement – Audiomachine
01:00:56 Inspire – Gargantuan Music
01:03:48 Impulse Asura – Really Slow Motion
01:07:19 Alva – Glen Gabriel
01:11:09 Ignition – Mark Petrie & Cody Still
01:14:23 Open Future – Mark Petrie & Andrew Prahlaw
01:18:22 Paladin – Really Slow Motion
01:21:00 Spellborn – Sham Stalin
01:24:15 When It All Falls Down – Audiomachine
01:28:13 Warriors To The End (Mix) – Epic Score
Check Out My Other Playlists :
[Best Music To Listen To While Reading]
[Best Battle Music Ever]
[Best Gaming Music Ever]
All rights belong to their respective owners. If any owner of track/background used in this mix is unhappy, feel free to contact me if anything is wrong: (Not The Channel e-mail)
Follow the original owners of the songs used in the video:
Gargantuan Music:
Mark Petrie:
Alibi Music:
J.T peterson:
Sham Stalin:
Glen Gabriel:
Really Slow Motion:
David Tobin:
Andrew Prahlow:
Lionel Schmitt:
Songs To Your Eyes:
Gina Brigida:
Eternal Eclipse:
Epic Score:
Symphony of Specters:
Instagram: @julienwothaveyoudone
Cody Still:
Check Out My Other Playlists :
[Best Music To Listen To While Reading]
[Best Battle Music Ever]
[Best Gaming Music Ever]
11:24 DUDE I DIDNT EXPECT THIS SONG….Awww the nostalgia hit like a fucking train!
so true <3 i was reading a manga and sudenly that song poped <3
I got hit by a club
When i heard it i immediately returned to the video to check if the video didn’t end and something other started, that was a shock
Hahahah the moment I reached 11:24 I ran to the comments to see your comment at the top XD I Love how many people recognize the feeling I feel when I hear this song XD I want to play this game again. it would be Super cool to have pvp
^ means it needs a while to build up and * means its a personal favorite
Battle music: 5:10, 10:14, 25:40, 32:38, 34:40, 45:15, ^53:18^, 1:19:15 (kind of goes in both), *1:21:15*, ^1:30:24^, ^1:21^,
Dark/Ominous/unstoppable threat rising: 13:13, 25:40, 41:00, 47:01, *49:21*, 58:38, 1:11:10, *1:19:15*,
Calm/Adventure: 11:20, 15:23, 18:10, 21:04, 56:40, 1:00:57, 1:03:50, 1:07:20, 1:24:15, 1:28:14,
Please update this list in the comments or recommend any changes and Ill update this everyone in a while as well
@i ty!
Glorious Morning – Waterflame – good old days of playing Age of War
Man, i had youtube on auto-play. I swear when this song started i had the biggest wave of nostalgia i ever had
I suddenly got the urge to play age of war lmao
im reading the demon slayer manga and this is helping me stay focused.I LOVE THIS
im also reading demon slayer rn
nice. I read Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal Cultivator with this music set
I’m reading One Piece lol
Solo leveling
Currently reading Omniscient Reader. The music fits perfectly ?✨
dude I played this while reading berserk, and it fit perfectly 10/10 !
I’m reading The Beginning After The End and I’m on ch15 and the music fits it so perfectly?
Lets gooo same fam
Glorious morning came in and i had serious flashbacks to age of war and all the other flash games that were my childhood
same, it’s so sad that flash is gone
@Orian 142 ikr, they do indeed! Can even still get the unblocked versions too if you just wanna cheat your way through a speed run for a quick burst of nostalgia ?
@Bedlam wait flash games like that still exist?
I played age of war 2 hours ago and I blame listening to this playlist last night. Brainwashing is real ?
mee too
I have just started 86 volume 5 and this is what I have been looking for! Great compilation!
Schoolwork has never been this fun to do. I feel like the evolution of organisms was something super epic xD
oh man, I haven’t heard waterflame’s stuff in years! thank you for throwing that into this mix!
11:22 Out of all the places, did not expect nostalgia to hit me this hard here…
It was a pleasure to listen to this while reading nanatsu no taizai,thank you!?
Is nobody gonna talk about 25:41? Deadwood is just an amazing piece
I have no idea how, but this just synced perfectly with Demon Magic Emperor.
Me estoy leyendo el manga de one piece con esta musica de fondo y es la ostia , corte que me encanta 49:55 , Saludos
That moment when you recognise half of these songs…..
Idk what to tell you. I love listening to music like this and I guess I’ve listened to so much now that I know a lot of them (just not by name XD)
That moment when you recognise half of these songs…..
Is the moment you realize you’re a legend
11:22 damn, the nostalgia was hard with this one, I thought that I was tripping and was my imagination lol!
Good old times with the “Age of War”
wait were is it from
00:18:10 Glorious morning 2 i like the 2 i most like 1