Beautiful Relaxing Music – Sleep Music, Peaceful Piano, Study Music, Bookstore
One morning in the bookstore to try relaxation and adventure
❋ BigRicePiano
~ The Soul of Wind ~
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_The Soul of Wind_
I’ve been depressed for a long time, I seem useless and bad I am also a musician and music producer This music has helped me relieve fatigue and stress. Thanks for sharing it The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !
I too have to relieve saddness through writing music. we have a lot in common:) hope you feel better soon!
i love you, i hope you’re doing okay. i am very proud of u and again, i love u so much. <3
Tonight I listened to this in full as I studied for my finals with a cup of tea, a candle, and a winter storm blowing in outside my window. perfect peace while studying.
That sounds very good
The perfect day
@Yap Yee Ching mine top atm
its my final studies too..
I hope you did well on your finals.
I wish I could live in this world and read books all day long.
@Itomlgb hi sorry for appearing so late,but i just want to say,u have a beautiful dream,and i hope you success in making your dream come true,take your time,theres no need to be in a hurry,i also gave up everything in my life,i have no dream,i dont have any will to live,but when i think abt it,we only live once and lets try to enjoy that as much as we can,is what i keep telling myself even tho ik i dont have a good future,i just hope i can still enjoy my time at best,and i wish that for u and everyone else too❤️❤️❤️
are you Orochimaru?
@Itomlgb must be hard for you… please take time, I believe you can accomplish this if you still remember it! Though I’m still in college but I will definitely support you when I have the ability!
ohmygosh, yeeeees.
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.?
Thank you I needed that
as much as I’d love for everything to just go away I doubt it will, but at least whenever I listen to this music it will but only for awhile. Though that small part is enough to keep me going…
Thank you :3
Made my night reading this.
I needed this?
I like this music because it’s like telling me that “Everything will be okay” and I think that is a message everyone should receive every single day.
You are doing great. You are important.
Tell to yourself every single night “I did well, Time to rest”
Honestly I’ve got nothing to say… No words can express this feeling. Listening to this on a very lonely yet eventful day. Here I am in the woods reading the calmest of books there can be, listening to this soothing tune, under the shade of a tree way older then me. There is nothing I want more than this to never get over. I can’t thank you, the creator, enough for making this. Love from India ❤️
it’s currently 1:05 am for me im sitting in bed with a candle lit flame reading a book with this music playing i feel so at peace and happy , i wish everyone happiness in their life so if you ever need to escape I recommend reading and if you can’t concentrate listen to an audio book I promise you life will get better i love you and so do so many other people
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
Hey, what do you like to read? I like to write.
Now it’s people like you that bring us together as humans
@Angela Chow why wouldn’t they?
Don’t forget to put it out before you fall asleep <3
I love you more ?? thank you, friend. I wish you every peace the world you reside in can offer, I’m so glad to have chanced you in this day ?
I never really read books but this music right here makes me want to pick up a book and read it. I hope I am not alone on this?
and I am being you today ✨
Demian is a good book if you are interested in reading
Its true?
It’s a late afternoon, in a library so big you need a ladder to reach the top shelf that’s the same height as the ceiling. The library is so old and hardly anyone goes there anymore, so the floor is covered in piles of books that never got put away. The only source of light coming from large windows with the sun singing through, giving the room that warm golden glow as you rest your body in a half-circled pile of books next to an old wooden ladder. A ray of sun falling nicely on half your sleeping face as you lie there curled up with a open book on your chest. The young librarian casting his shadow over you for a moment before ruffling your hair, removing the book and throwing his jacket over you, as he continues to walk down the isle letting you sleep, even though it’s past closing time. The sound of him playing piano waking you for a moment, then lulling you back to sleep as you know you are warm, safe, and right where you belong. ❤️?
I imagined it!!!!!
Thank you, it is beautiful⭐?✨
Why do u have to write this it’s too beautiful, my heart… ?
It’s a shame that people don’t seem to appreciate libraries as much as they used to ?
I love reading. I love walking through books and picking some to read, new stories to live
Yk what’s really sad, we’re not allowed to use the library at my school anymore
This library ambience and piano music are so relaxing and peaceful for studying! I’m listening while working on my PhD dissertation. Thank you for making this for us ?
why do I wanna make this comment section into a book club where we relax with tea and talk about the books we’ve read
I’ll leave this here so I can’t come back and chat all about mine! I love reading all about yours ?
? I began reading
كتاب الأم
Literally: “Book of the Mother”
It is an 8th century compendium of Sunni Islamic Law written by Al Shafi’i.
I picked it up mainly to skim the sections on Jihad because ISIS referenced it once in their propaganda. In it, Al shafi’i mentioned that it is essentially Permissible to take the life of any Disbelieving man as long as he was not promised protection by a Muslim. He wrote( my translation)
“Allah protected blood and restricted the taking of wealth, except for a right, through belief in Allah and in His Messenger or through a covenant given by the believers, based on the law of Allah and His Messenger, to the People of the Book ( Jews and Christians). He allowed shedding the blood of Mature men who withhold themselves from belief and who do not possess a covenant as Allah said:
“When the sacred months have passed, slay the Polytheists wherever you find them…(9.5)”
*[ Kitab al Umm 1/293 ]*
i just finished hive last night and had to hold back tears, since the story is about the main characters relationship with her mother and i related so much to her feelings 🙂
just started cemetery boys today, a friend recommended it^^
@Rachael Wade i havent read it, but heard a lot about it! would you recommend it?
@Jiro read mine 😀
Recently, I was reading a book called “Upheaval – how nations cope with crisis and change”, a nonfiction book by American scientist Jared Diamond. It was very insightful and I learned a lot about the history of different countries.
The first chapter talked about Finland’s conflict with the Soviet Union in the 1900s and until after WW2. Finland is a small country that shares a long border with Russia. It was originally part of Soviet Union, then became independent in 1917 following a civil war. In WW2, Soviet Union wanted to invade Finland. As all the other European countries were fighting with Germany at the same time, there was no one to help Finland defend against Soviet Union. Due to their strong sense of national identity and unique geographical terrain, they were able to win the Winter War after much struggle.
The second chapter about Japan Meji Era talked about how risky it can be if a country’s power becomes fragmented among many local powers, as they all have conflicting interests and they will naturally fight. The shogun had very little power and was overthrown. After the reform, however, Japan quickly recovered and they realised the importance of opening up to Western culture and technology, which was much more advanced than theirs. Japan sent many students to Western countries to learn topics such as engineering, math and science. They had a very open and accepting attitude, which was the reason why they were so successful in their reform. They quickly built up a strong defence and military with new equipment. In comparison, China always remained closed up against the West in the 19-20 century, which was the reason for their downfall in many wars like Opium Wars and WW2. And then… Japan beat up China and South east Asia in WW2. Blehhhh.
The third chapter was about the more recent history of Chile, from 1950 onwards. There were two leaders called Salvador Allende and Pinochet. Allende was socialist and US did not like him because US thought he would turn Chile into a socialist country and learn from Soviet Union (that period of time was Cold War). Allende tried to change many things in the Chile economy. These changes were immensely beneficial for some workers by reducing inflation rate, but over time things went wrong and businesses collapsed, leading to inflation rates soaring again. In 1973, a military coup overthrew Allende and Pinochet became the government. There were many conflicting interests in Chile, 3 parties: military, socialist and government. Pinochet also tried reducing inflation. He was very controversial. There was a very memorable sentence in the book: “He was always pictured as a kindly old man, smiling and waving, but he had blood on his hands.” He tortured and persecuted socialists and political critics, killing a lot of people. Basically, even until now, the issue of Pinochet is still very sensitive and controversial in Chile, as people don’t know what to think about him.
The fourth chapter was about the recent history of Indonesia, from 1960 onwards. It was about two men with confusingly similar names, Suharto and Sukarno. Sukarno was first, and then Suharto… UHHH. They were both military, communist, socialist leftist, dictators and corrupt leaders who caused a lot of trouble for people in Indonesia, like a lot of persecution and mass murdering. Their situation was very similar to Chile’s, and these two histories occurred at around the same time, which was such a coincidence. Indonesia is hard to unite because there are many different islands all separated and they speak different languages, have different religions etc. I felt that the most depressing issue about these two leaders (and also the two leaders of Chile) was that they were too powerful and no one could overthrow them without a bloody struggle and most likely a failure, therefore the citizens of these two countries were oppressed for so long. It is a very frustrating issue that developing third-world countries are very vulnerable to, therefore we should learn from history and try not to repeat this situation in any country again.
Unfortunately, I did not finish this book as I had to return it ? If I have the chance, I would definitely borrow it again and finish it. The author was very wise and wrote many meaningful observations that make readers ponder and realise frustrating and hard-to-solve-perfectly issues in politics. It is not easy being a politician and always following your morals. Reading this book made me grateful for the peaceful political situation in Singapore, and I hope that Singapore always stays in balance for a long time to come…
“Poema para la noche”
mi luna llena
mi estrella bella
lejano eclipse
tranquilo oriente
en el profundo sueño
que la noche es bella.
You, random person I will never meet. I wish you success. Everything’s gonna be okayy.
Thank you I really needed this today. I’m going through a rough time
What if we coincidentally meet one day without our knowledge?
I hope one day the whole world becomes as beautiful as this song!!?
I think this is my favorite channel for study music and relaxing music, I always like the playlists on here, fantastic!
I can imagine a rainy day in Paris, a kind girl walking home in the rain. She tried to stay inside the bookshop she was shopping at until the storm weathered however it kept raining for hours and soon it became closing time for the small bookshop. The kind female owner and her quiet husband felt sad for the young girl as they watched her walk home through the howling winds and past the dim streetlights. The young girl felt cold and lonely in that moment but when she turned to wave to the owners of the bookshop and thank them for their kindness she captured a picture of the city in her eyes. It was lonely however beautiful. The rain was sad, the cars were driving past in a perfectly straight line, at a perfect speed. robotic. Freakily robotic. Lonesome was the site of the raining city. Angel’s cry some people called it. True the statement is. However sad, lonely and dismal the rain is, it is equally magestic. Playing tuneful tones upon tin roofs. Wobbling atop grass in luscious meadows. Becoming a source of water for thirsty children and animals. The girl saw the light and dark in the city. The darkness of homeless citizens weathering the storm outside, the rain soaking into their bones but also the light when kind French women let the soaking citizens into their home. She then turned and left for her house with her newly bought books. She felt content. She felt clarified. She felt happy.
your imagination is beautiful we could be good friends.
Imagine you’re just chilling on a plane at night on a 9 hour flight with no children or loud people, everyone’s either chatting quietly to one another, reading something, sleeping, or just watching the stars outside, you’re listening to this through your headphones while your significant other is sleeping next to you. It’s a smooth ride. Oh and the toilets are clean.
I come back to this song everytime I’m sick, unfortunately this is one of those days, I’m glad to have heard this song. It makes the pain a little more bearable and the sleep more easier to obtain. Words can’t describe how grateful I am for this song.
Everyday. There’s a 60 foot tall tree I like to climb. Only I can climb it, as others have a hard time getting up the tree, or going as high as me. But I climb all the way to the top. And just read while listening to this music. It’s truly the best part of my day. That sense of Nostalgia spreads throughout the air, as a sea of imagination rushes through my body. And the feeling of escaping reality, it keeps me from going insane. I do hope that tree stays standing, for it is very old and could fall at any given moment. But still knowing that I could possibly die from climbing that tree. I still do anyway. Just to ever so slightly grasp reality. And escape from the cruel world we live on.
How reckless, it is wonderful