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Beautiful Relaxing Music for Stress Relief ~ Calming Music ~ Meditation, Relaxation, Sleep, Spa

Meditation Relax Music Channel presents a Relaxing Stress Relief Music Video with beautiful nature and calm Music for Meditation, deep sleep, music therapy. This relaxing new age composition can be used as Deep Meditation Music, Music for Yoga and Pilates , Music for Massage , Spa Music. Also this music is perfect as dream music, Healing music, Study Music, Sleep Music and Total Relaxation Music.



  1. Barbara Moniz

    This week I had a anxiety attack, my heart was racing, I was having negative thoughts and I could not sleep neither concentrate. So I searched for a stress relief music and I found this one, in a matter of less than 5 minutes I was calm, no more racing heart. Thankfully I slept that night without having nightmares and woke up with a positive attitude. Thank you so much!!

    1. Anthony Matrone

      @Radhe Shyam speak to a dr to see if all your vitals are ok, if it is just an anxiety attack and your physical health is ok, medication can help a lot. Also, speak to a therapist about what stresses you. If you feel an attack coming on deep breathing, 4 seconds in, hold for 1 second, 8 seconds out can help. Also, finding something to distract your mind, for example calling someone and asking about their day or doing something that you enjoy can help in the moment but it is a medical problem so seek medical help is my recommendation. I have had 3 anxiety attacks.

  2. Joe Johnson

    It sucks when you’ve been doing so good and everything has been going great, and all of a sudden out of nowhere your anxiety just comes back. ?
    These sounds really do help put me at ease.
    Meditation, breathing techniques, and prayer really do help make everything better again. ???
    Peace and love to you all, stay positive and love yourself. ❤️

  3. Ma. Sofia Alberto

    Playing this right now because I’m tired physically and mentally. Scrolling through the comments while listening to the music makes me cry so hard. Thank you, wonderful people! ❤❤❤

  4. Ana P.

    Whenever i feel stressfull, i always listen to this and read comments. These small things can make a hopeless human to open their eyes. Thanks to all people who helped me with past, and who made me realise a few stuff. All i want to say is a big thank you for these comments and this video❤

  5. L Steffan

    To the person who way be reading this… Take a deep breath, in and out. Take a second to realize how beautiful you are, how talented you are, how smart you are. Don’t let the small things get to you. You are perfectly imperfect, you are loved, but you might not think so. Brush off all the little things that make you upset and say to yourself that you are worth everything. You need to love yourself and let yourself know that you are amazing. Take good care of yourself and be positive. Lots of love to you♡

    1. Harsha Gautam

      Thank you L Steffan…
      I am really having a very bad day and was not able to get relied from the stress and overthinking.
      You helped me upto an extent today..
      I hope to see a good day tomorrow.?
      Thank You.

  6. ChocoMan

    I’m extremely tired of life and completely stressed out now, but this song seems to make things a bit better. Perhaps the time will get everything done perfectly. I really need some time, for work, and also for myself. Thanks for sharing the music, it makes me calm down a little.

  7. V1nce is the best

    I searched up calming music and saw this video, I searched it because I had an anxiety attack at dinner because I have been struggling socially and there was so much talking and I got overwhelmed so I went to the bathroom and this really helped me calm down. Thank you and god bless every person. Just know that you are never alone and god sees your struggles I love you all

  8. Eldin Hasa - The Human Experience Podcast

    I’ve been doing this meditation every morning for the past few months and I can truly say it has positively impacted my life in so many different ways. Sending love, peace, and protection to every one of you beautiful souls reading this. NAMASTE.

  9. Healing Sines

    Amazing content – As a new content creator thats focused on aiming to contribute to the community with meditation and relaxing music, I am very grateful for the work you are doing! I wish all positive energy – for the channel and the viewers! ❤❤❤

  10. Payton Dinger

    To anyone who might be reading this, everything is gonna work out. Whatever you’re stressing about right now it will pass. That job is gonna work out. You’re going to pass your classes. You’re life may not go exactly as planned but it will work itself out. The good lord never gives us more than we can handle. Breath, let it go.

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