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Beautiful Piano Music, Vol. 1 ~ Relaxing Music for Studying, Relaxation or Sleeping

Beautiful piano music (vol. 1) for studying and sleeping (no loop, see track list below). This relaxing music is composed by me, Peder B. Helland, and can be used as study music, sleep music and relaxation music. Stream or download music from Soothing Relaxation:

0:00 – Peder B. Helland – Always
06:40 – Peder B. Helland – Our Journey
13:25 – Peder B. Helland – Our Future (Piano Version)
21:48 – Peder B. Helland – Rose Petals
28:43 – Peder B. Helland – Winter Breeze
35:44 – Peder B. Helland – Together
41:49 – Peder B. Helland – A Long Time Ago
48:35 – Peder B. Helland – Bedtime Lullaby

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? Message from the composer and creator of Soothing Relaxation:
"I am a composer from Norway and I started this channel with a simple vision: to create a place that you can visit whenever you want to sit down and relax. I compose music that can be labeled as for example: sleep music, calm music, yoga music, study music, peaceful music, beautiful music and relaxing music. I love to compose music and I put a lot of work into it.

Thank you very much for listening and for leaving feedback. Every single day I am completely astonished by all your warm support and it really inspires me to work even harder on my music. If you enjoy my work, I would be very happy if you decided to subscribe and join our community. Have a wonderful day or evening!"

– Peder B. Helland, composer for Soothing Relaxation

© Copyright:
Music composed/arranged by Peder B. Helland.
Footage licensed from:
• Shutterstock: Tithi Luadthong

☀️ Relevant hashtags:
#relaxingmusic, #relax, #soothingrelaxation, #music, #sleep



  1. Track Songs Radio

    The problems you’re facing won’t last forever, no matter how bad they might seem. If you ever feel lost or hopeless, just remember: the night is always darkest before the sunrise.You’re going to get through this. I know you will. Now, get some rest. You’ve earned it, and you deserve it. Peace be with you, my friend. ❤

  2. sound of raindrops

    My husband and I love this music so much.. When I was pregnant, we listened it everyday.. Now, we listen it with our baby.. Listen it, make our mind feel relax and our baby can sleep well ❤️❤️❤️

    1. سني من العراق

      انا من العراق احب كل العالم وأتمنى ان يعيش العالم بخير وسعاده وأن يدخل الجنه
      تحيا لكم من السلام دين السلام ☪️??✅
      نحن نحب كل ديانه لا تؤذينا جميع الديانات

  3. musica relajante

    Музыка волшебная, природа великолепна ✨❤ и ,почитав комментарии, приятно осознавать, что все , кто ее слушают, чудесные люди? если бы все были такими, на Земле не было бы зла ?

  4. Soothing Your Soul

    Hey, you! You are so strong, I’m proud of you. I know things have been hard but you are so powerful! I believe in you.
    You didn’t come this far to give up now. Everything is gonna be okay.
    Please, just take a breath and try to relax a lil bit. You deserve to be calm, relaxed and blessed❤

  5. Sofushka

    Я расплакалась, вспомнила самые светлые и ценные моменты жизни, мне всего 13, но я так люблю слушать эту музыку, она как будто очищает душу от всего ненужного и заполняет её прозрачной и чистой водой, спасибо, за то, что помогаете людям ощутить всю прелесть этой прекрасной жизни! ❤

  6. sound of raindrops

    My son is 3 weeks old and he loves this sound, it soothes him & puts him to sleep ? he be fussy and crying fighting sleep, I play this and within 5 seconds he is asleep ???? thank you

  7. Relaxing Piano

    I lost my baby three months ago and im very depressed. I cant do anything but crying. And one night, i just found your music, and thank you so much. This music really healing my self and make me feel better. ❤

    1. Charlotte._.

      Be strong, be brave, and don’t forget to be kind to yourself, don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot feel. I hope you have people around you who support, care and love you. My love goes out to you and your loved ones.❤️

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