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Background music to listen to while reading Stormlight Archive (includes storm white noise)

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the music used in the video, credits to all the artists involved.
The Way of Kings cover animation:

Thunderstorm sound used in the video:

Video inspired by the playlist:

(all the songs used are in there)
Subreddit del Cosmere en español // Spanish-speaking Cosmere sub:




  1. dg

    It turns out that I had to remove 5 or 6 songs that absolutely blocked the video and made it impossible to watch anywhere… 🙁
    I had to crop those songs out. Even the FINAL song I had to remove, which is a pitty. Sooo there might be some “cuts” on the background audio that I hope don’t make the experience worse. I’m really sorry guys :c

    Anyway I intend to make another one of this videos, being careful of the songs I choose, so make sure to stay tuned for that!

    1. Peter

      @TheKrakenGuy It’s good, but personally a bit too distracting at time. Sometimes I could barely hear the main narrator with all that music and sound effects lol. Michael Kramer was perfect enough in the regular version.

    1. meow

      @Hawk66100 I finished reading TWOK earlier this month and it was an amazing experience indeed! I cannot wait to start WOR and I truly can’t remember what life was like before Brandy Sandy ?

    1. Arcanum Unbounded

      @Elias Bischoff i heard i need to read mistborn era 1 and mistborn secret history before reading rhythm of war…is it mandatory? I have read The Way of Kings, and am reading Warbreaker now (before reading Words of Radiance). Then I’m thinking of reading Edgedancer, Oathbringer and Dawnshard. Should i read mistborn era 1 and secret history before RoW?

    1. Shaun W

      @James Brown don’t worry thats not silly, these books are so we’ll done that they motivate me all the time. If you want more reading John Gwynne’s “Faithful and the Fallen” series is also fantastic, definitely check them out

    1. Nosequeponermedenombre xd

      @IzanVander hombre, tengo intención de leerlo. Voy por la pag 500 del Héroe de las Eras y tras terminarlo quiero darle al aliento de los dioses (que me han recomendado antes de leer el archivo) y asi ya darle duro al archivo. No se si está si bien o no

  2. D. Wright

    Just into the last 100 pages of Hero of Ages using this soundtrack. Perfect. I have really liked Mistborn as my first entry to Sanderson. Not sure if I will go right into Stormlight or knock out some other stuff first.

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