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Background Music for Reading Fantasy Books

Music for reading fantasy books.

Music by:
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

00:00 Wizardtorium
03:27 Serpentine Trek
05:13 The Snow Queen
08:55 Vanishing
12:46 The Path of the Goblin King
16:13 Water Prelude
21:38 Vulcan
25:13 Brittle Rille
29:01 Arcadia
30:41 Frost Waltz
32:56 Enchanted Valley
36:07 Dreamy Flashback
38:13 Frozen Star
41:54 Lasting Hope
44:19 Moonlight Hall
47:36 Temple of the Manes
50:11 Not As It Seems
51:52 Myst on the Moor
55:45 Ritual
01:00:05 Dreamlike
01:01:42 Dragon and Toast
01:07:35 Air Prelude



  1. Parker Knight

    You ever just play like an instrumental while you’re reading and the tone of the music follows the theme, vibe, and pace of the book as you read it? And like the further you read the book, the more the music follows the vibe of the book? Ecstatic.

  2. Heylilvelvet

    I’m writing a children’s/young adults book about animals going on an adventure far off into the wild to find a remedy to help save a friends life. I’m getting to an intense scene and these tracks are helping me visualize everything like a movie. Thank you!

  3. I guess im just Me

    I’m nearing the end of the first Eragon book… For the second time. They are very good books, about dragons and battles. I recommend them to anyone who wants a good dragon book

    1. Tomás Canas

      Og Ion lol just finished it and i am taking a break on it and reading wheel of time it is being serialized in my country, i am halfway through book 1 and have 2 to be read in my shelf, i also have baptism of fire and tower of the swallow tbr dont have lady of the lake couse its the book that still need to be published, The Witcher and WoT have been quite a suprise

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