AUTUMNAL READ WITH ME || 1 hour of reading with cozy music
#relaxing music #hygge #cozyfall #ASMR
Hello, dear ones!
No matter where you are right now or how you spend this hour with me, I hope these next 60+ minutes help you feel calm and a little less alone. It’s important to me that you know how truly incredible you are no matter your current life circumstances. Believe that you are worthy of the best life has to offer.
To paraphrase the poet Mary Oliver, whether it’s a good day or bad day, it’s an admirable thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in a broken world.
Thank you for being here ✨
Big hugs,
The beautiful drone footage in this video is Landon's work!! He has his own YouTube channel with videos that will turn anyone's day happy with laughs:
I get all of the music I use in my videos from:
? My Patreon:
? My Instagram:
? My Spotify:
Your “read with me” videos are so good that I don’t even use it to actually read, I just watch all of it
@MorganLong I love these soo much
@Morgan Long it’s a pleasure to be here again, my friend❣?
Hahaha I often wonder if people just watch them all the way through… that’s what I end up doing anytime I play them! I have to turn the screen away if I actually read or work to them. Thank you for being here, friend ?
I would just like the world to know that I finished my book at the exact moment when Mo put her bookmark into hers and started to collect her things. I never could’ve planned for that to work out so perfectly, but it brought me great pleasure.
Morgan, thank you for another wonderful reading adventure. It has filled this small corner of my morning with magic.
thats not a coincidence its actually because your brain calculated the average speed needed to finish the book at the same time and adapted so it really makes sense from that perspective
Same !!???
When I’m feeling down, or anxious, or alone I come to your channel because I know I will find great music here, your clips and vlogs are breathtaking and it always feels like another world (I live in Brazil, it’s very hot pretty much the entire year, so the only season I experience is summer). You’re such a ray of sunshine and seeing Monsieur Roo always makes my day! Thank you for being a drop of optimism in this crazy world we live in <3
Same. – Me, another anxious Brazilian
That’s me too. Also when I’m reading my books.and it’s only my book (the array of characters of course)and my faithful furry friend my poodle ? Fluffy Lancelot.
Yay! Since I found your channel, I’ve binge watched them all! They are so magical! I look forward to each one!
I have too. And her hometown looks so beautiful.
@G L just added it to my list…my ever growing list lol
Has anyone read The Overstory?
@Morgan Long you are my spirit friend. It is rare to find those who have your same vibe so I’m claiming you haha! Hope you don’t mind.
Thank you so much for watching all of my videos!! And thank you to everyone who’s subscribed since finding their way here ??? I think 4 replies is the most any comment has ever gotten! You all are wonderful ?
I can’t express how beautiful and calming this is! I finally have a day off school, and I am sitting near a window with a mug of tea, and my cat has decided to take time out of his busy schedule to come join me- this is exactly what I needed. Thank you! ??
Love this so much!! The music with the visual just SCREAMS coziness!! Please never stop doing these videos!! Much love to you, Morgan!!
Ahhh, I’m so so so glad, friend!! I’ll continue to make them if you continue us to watch them! ?
I’ve watched this like four times now haha. I love how warm and cozy it is. Every time I know I should be reading but I don’t feel like it because life is a mess I play this video and it slows me down and calms me enough to focus on some me time. Thank you for the time and care that you put into these videos!
Life is such a mess at the moment! I’m glad that despite it all, you find time for yourself and that I get to be a part of that by extension. Happy reading, friend <3
Started out reading Bridgerton’s The Duke & I, then, a few minutes in I noticed the gorgeous maple tree, then the origami swans. Literally stopped reading and started watching the leaves blowing.
The most beautiful, relaxing thing I’ve seen in a while. ???
Morgan I’m OBSESSED with these. Any chance you’ll do a holiday themed one??
Each time you post a new video I wrestle with whether I should watch it immediately or wait until I’m having a difficult day and will need your videos the most. I’ve been feeling lonely all week and tonight I turned on this wonderful video to keep me company. I feel so cozy and relaxed now, and I feel like I can see and appreciate the world with fresh eyes! Thank you for sharing your time with all of us. ?
YAYYYY this is the absolute best way to end my night!!!! I love this waaaay too much I had been waiting for another read with me for agessss! I’ve watched the other two at least 5 times. All your videos are filled with so much magic and peacefulness! You my friend are a star!!!! I love you!!
Ahhh, I love this!! I really really hope you enjoyed this one as much as the others— thank you so much for watching my videos, Denisse. YOU, have been a star in my morning ?
I love your video. It’s so relax. I watch it every time I read book :33
These are my favourite type of videos. As an only child I always feel lonely and wish for a sister to read with. Now I feel like I have one, thanks Mo 🙂
I love watching all of your videos and this is the one that I have come back and listened to over and over again. It has become the sound of this past winter and spring. As soon as I put it on, I feel myself starting to focus and ready to study. Thank you so much for making it! I have shared it with so many people and they’ve started listening watching your read with me’s too! The time, effort, and love that you put into your videos really shows through.
Thank you so so much, friend! This makes me unbelievably happy ?
As a librarian at a school, knowing that there are Read with Me videos gives me hope for the future. Keep it up!! Hopefully one day these will pass the Logan Pauls and the Kim Kardasians videos.
Logan And Kim who?? ?????
Yes ma’am channels so armonious like this one are inspiring and hopeful for our new generations to come because there is so much stuff and info that are anything but inspiring and hopeful. We need good books and good music which help us get in tune with ourselves and what really matters get in touch with our senses and the now.
this comment is so wholesome i love it
Let people enjoy things ❤️
Librarians are always my favorite people. Back in school I had always stayed in during recesses and lunches just to converse or help grab the holds people have placed. Sometimes I would act as an assistant teacher for the littles. Librarians always treated me as their equals unlike some teachers who let the ¨power¨ of being in charge of a bunch of grimy kids go to their head.
I cannot express how much I love these videos. I’m curled up under a weighted blanket with Strange the Dreamer, lots of candles, and flickering fairy lights, and this music and just feeling your presence gives me the greatest sense of calm. We are a week into another lockdown in the UK, and this video makes me feel just a bit closer to the wonderful community you have created. Thankyou such much Morgan, you are wonderful! <3
I watch this every time I read, makes me fell less lonely ❤️ thank you
This is so poetic. It makes me feel like I’m the ✨ main character ✨ ?
@Morgan Long ???
I’m so so so glad ✨ ?
I decided that I would spend this hour just free writing, it was lovely! I need to watch more of these kinds of videos.