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ATMOSPHERIC GOTHIC MUSIC| horror piano for reading

ДИСКЛЕЙМЕР: Я не являюсь автором песен, все авторы уведены ниже. На этом видео выключена монетизация, я не получаю за него деньги, приятного прослушивания.

00:00 – Secession studio – Divination

3:07 – Flowers for Bodysnatchers – A Heart Less Darkned

11:18 – Dark fur Elise Rainy Detuned Piano
16:08 – Dark Piano – Sociopath
21:34 – Silent Hill – Maternal

22:45 – Soniquero – Innocent child
25:39 – All Your Fault – Sad Piano
28:55 – Dark Piano – Apocalypse
31:51 – Dark Piano – Ghost waltz
33:38 – Brambles – In the Androgynous Dark
35:41 – Dark Sanctuary – Les Mémoriae Blessées



  1. prodbylou

    21:36 – Silent Hill – Maternal is sampled in the song “Thunder Man” by Xavier Wulf – I just realized as this was playing and I thought the music changed to Xavier wulf but in reality this is the original sample

    1. deepaification

      @Lady Lala  @Lady Lala  You can go for it. The element that causes horror in this novel is unique, very new , never read Or heard anything like that. I’ve read once and felt good. Happy Reading! ?

  2. Nick's Visual Poetry

    I am writing an ecological post-apocalyptic story listening to this and for a while I felt I was _in_ my novel, as an additional character trying to survive along with the others. Creepy but … inspiring!

  3. Виталий Корнилов

    Умоляю, ещё такого подобного! этот сборник включил самым последним, но это лучшее на канале <3

  4. Akemy ಠ_ಠ

    Черт, это прекрасно. Часть авторов уже давно добавлена в любимые, другая же часть стала приятным открытием. Спасибо за потрясающую подборку музыки и такие эстетичные изображения

    1. Nick's Visual Poetry

      I am writing as well now, not a horror novel, a post-apocalyptic one. I had nature kill 90% of the global population in 2025 (fun stuff) and this music inspires me to kill some of the survivors 😛

  5. cherrie

    i’ve been reading this horror comic on webtoon with this playlist and DUDE-
    it suits so MUCH and not to mention that i get those goosebumps vibes from here
    and OH-
    my cats fell asleep while listening to this :0

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