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ATMOSPHERIC GOTHIC HORROR READING MUSIC | H.P Lovecraft, Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe

An eerie instrumental playlist inspired by Gothic Horror fiction. 10 atmospheric soundtracks to fully immerse yourself in the uncanny, the incoherent, the unknown.

Suggested readings:
Call of Cthulhu by HP Lovecraft
Four Past Midnight by Stephen King
The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe

Playlist name: Eerie
Time: 35 minutes
Illustration from:
Listen with rain/thunder ambience:

Thanks for listening!



  1. Hooliganic

    I used to be a normal Swedish 16 year old boy. Now I am a soldier in the Great Northern War, resting in an abandoned farmhouse before tomorrow’s journey towards Moscow. Something is off, though, I can feel it. The creaking of the stairs can’t simply be the cold northern wind, can it?

    1. Vennisan

      Perhaps it was. I settle down on the bed’s mattress, leaning against its wooden headboard. I closed my eyes, relieving a breath and pacifying my rattled nerves. Tomorrow would be a difficult day. I’ve survived until now, but.. I sigh. There was no use in dwelling on pessimistic thoughts.

      The loud beat of someone’s foot pressing against a threadbare tile marred me out of my musings. I frown, hands deftly filching my rifle from the bedside table. If it only happened once, then it was likely to be a delirium, but twice? I narrow my eyes. It was unlikely.

    2. Daniel Strachota

      If you dont mind I shall continue yours comment with a little alternative twist…

      I clenche my rifle and silently point it at the stairs. I hold my breath ready to shoot, when suddenly I see two yellow eyes in my iron-sights. Its a cat. It silently comes and sits beside me. I look at those big yellowish eyes as they stare back into my torn soul. Since Sweeden joined NATO everything changed, the Ukraian invasion is long over yet new conflict arose, Russia severly damaged by the Ukraian resistance was aided by china and together they now invaded finland and poland, at the same time china started full scale ivasion of Tchaj-wan. USA intervened in this coonflict and aided Tchaj-wan. Use of tactical atomic warheads was already spotted near Polish borders… more are yet to come… Welcome to world war III…. welcome to hell

    1. BarryBlu

      I stare into the mirror, mouth agape. The fear of the uncanny filling every nerve in my body.
      As I remain in place, frozen in shock; the entity staring back at me simply utters “I’m coming for that badussy.”

  2. Mephisto's daughter

    The painting of the woman with the skull is by Nicola Samori. His artwork is of such a wonderfully dark and macabre beauty, and this particular image matches this great soundtrack perfectly!

  3. AbiLisha

    Me without *athmospheric gothic music* : meh it’s raining outside

    Me with *athmospheric gothic music* :
    _All around me tears drip from the eaves and flood the gutters, washing the filth away._
    _Grey sky like great battleships,.clouds colliding with one another._
    _Rain falls down on the World…_

  4. Nadeen

    Peter was going back home from his friends house. His mother told him several times not to go to that particular friend’s house and he was always obedient. Except today. He went there, had a great time with his friend, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. His friend’s grandmother even made them a great apple pie. That pie was the best he had ever tasted. Peter smiled, he was thinking about how he would tell his mother that there was nothing to worry about and that his friend was a harmless lonely boy living with his grandmother. He felt a little lighter than usual, probably because he hadn’t eaten dinner. He then saw a figure far off in the fields. It looked like a woman. “Why is she running?” thought Peter. The woman looked like she was running in the direction of his friend’s house. She looked wild, that woman, running so quickly towards that old house. Curious, Peter followed her. Indeed, she arrived at his friend’s house. Peter stood a good distance from them. Peter could hear faint sounds of screaming that sounded like, “…my boy! What did you do to him? How dare you evil demon..!” Peter thought of the poor weak grandmother that must deal with this crazy, wild woman. And he made up his mind to help her. He ran to his friend’s house and did it shock him when he saw his mother standing there looking like a crazed woman screaming and shouting and crying. He was embarrassed of his mother’s act. Why did she make such a fuss over a harmless visit he did not know. He came in front of her to stop her, but she kept ignoring him. He had had the last straw. He went to catch her arm, but nothing happened. Peter had chills all over his body, when he looked at his hands and saw a transparent skin upon them. He tried to touch the table, but his hand went through it. He quickly looked over into the mirror but what he saw terrified him to his bones. His body was not appearing in the mirror. There were only what looked like thousands of pieces of burnt paper at the bottom of his body, and they were slowly creeping upwards. Peter looked around wildly, and spotted his friend. His friend look at him and smiled slowly and creepily and told him with no emotion apparent in his eyes, “You shouldn’t have eaten that pie, Peter”.

  5. Zere Bayzhan

    1) 0:00 – 1:56 What Went We – Mark Korven
    2) 1:59 – 8:04 Michelle – Cloverfield Lane
    3) 8:09 – 9:57 Maternal – Silent Hill
    4) 9:58 – 12:44 Tea for Two – The Woman in Black ost
    5) 12:45 – 17:13 Reminiscence – Olafur Arnald
    6) 17:14 – 22:01 In the Androgynous Dark – Brambles
    7) 22:02 – 24:28 Ajar – Mike Lazarev
    8) 24:30 – 33:38 Messy Hearts – Moon At the Dark
    9) 33:40 – 37:09 Ritual Casting – The Conjuring
    10) 37:12 – 38:58 Arthur`s theme – The Woman in Black

  6. ck

    this playlist evokes so many emotions at once: sadness, peace, curiosity, fear, guilt, nostalgia, contentment. I feel terrifyingly powerful!
    there’s so much beauty in the dark…and I’m happy I’m not the only one appreciating it 🙂

  7. Corpsepaws

    *Me without this music:*
    “ah yes it is raining outside in this small city of mine. How nice.”

    *Me listening to this music:*
    The sun of yesterday has faded into dark ominous clouds that breathe in the new mornings’ air. Each breath releases thousands of raindrops upon the unsuspecting houses below. The light pitter-patter, reminiscent of quiet radio static, echos through the halls of homes littered throughout this corner of suburbia. As the church bells sound, alerting residents of the dawn, the once sleepy town becomes lively.

  8. cheb

    The first two made me feel like im a young man in a Victorian era living in a old castle on a mountain that’s pretty lively and also kinda haunted,just walking through the halls and just holding a oil lamp to light my way through the hall and reading a book for entertainment

  9. Lucas Alistair

    this makes me feel like i just inherited an old countryside estate from my distant grandmother, and its my first day there. its raining and foggy and im all alone. some how, the fire place is lit and dinner is set.

    1. Lord Of Everything

      With the snowy wind outside carrying snow flakes in hurry through the window i stare at while wondering..
      Is this the beauty hell that they talk about?!
      Until cutting the voices inside my head by a deep voice around my chair..
      Saying: Yes Your Majesty..
      To be continued ??‍♀️

    2. QUIXOTE

      @ETPS His white, pearl eyes pierce through yours and the horrible stare transfixes you; your heart ceases for a moment before exploding into a frenzy, a fear so great engulfs you and time suspends. This awe, fear and terrible fascination; what is it? You have never experienced anything like this. After what seems like an eternity yet a mere moment, a malevolent grin creeps gradually onto his visage. An ice cold tear trickles down your cheek. Who knew such a small movement could haunt you? This connection maintains. It feels like you are contacting a force so old, so indifferent, so serene, so terrifying, so incomprehensible that it maddens you. You drop the coffee, it cracks and ruptures the silence, you jerk yourself onto the ground. You curl up as tightly as your body will allow itself, your hands covering your face as well as possible. However, this does little to deal with the great presence which burns the back of your head.

  10. Brian M

    Great music, great gothic literature, and we should never forget the master of gothic who was the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula with the original vampire story, Carmilla, written by another Irishman Joseph Sheridan LeFanu. If you’ve never read his stories I highly recommend them..there are lots and are a feast for Gothic fans. ?

  11. Gabriel White

    Without the music: I think i saw something strange one night last month…
    With the music:
    ????? ?? ?? ????????? ?????? ??? ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ? ???????? ???? *?????* ? ??? ???? ???????? ?????…

  12. Shirley Curry

    The music is great, but I think I enjoyed reading all the comments the most!! There are a lot of creative and imaginative people on here… well, ALL of them actually!! You have all entertained me while listening to this music!!! 🙂

  13. Rayne Frost

    Whenever I’m home alone late at night, and I know no one is coming home until the next morning, I like to have this music playing in the background. It adds dramas and intrigue to otherwise dull nights, with the added bonus that whenever someone tries to break in, they feel equally unsettled.

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