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a romantic academia playlist for reading love stories




  1. aameliaa

    00:00 franz gordon – the scent of petrichor
    02:28 luke faulkner – clouds
    05:11 saint-saens – the swan
    07:48 trevor kowalski – homeward
    10:28 invadable harmony – once upon a dream
    11:22 lucas vendrai – pas de deux
    13:39 tchaikovsky -the nutcracker op.71, act 2 no.4 pas de deux
    18:38 rebecca leonard – incadescence
    20:33 chopin – nocturne no.20 in c-sharp minor op, posth
    24:42 debussy – clair de lune
    29:24 luke faulkner – clocks
    31:59 jef martens – what the rain whispered softly
    33:52 alexandre desplat -young love
    35:19 satie gnossienne – gnossienne no.1 – lent
    38:34 grieg – two elegiac melodies op.34- 2. the last spring
    43:52 beving: ala
    45:38 schubert – schwanengesang, d. 957: iv. standchen
    49:44 toshifumi hinata – menuet

  2. Rachael Hu

    I fell asleep to this playlist and dreamed about being a child again and seeing my grandfather in his house. It’s almost been a whole year without him here. Things were good again for a night.

  3. Cordelia Loyd

    This is something crazy tiny that I noticed, but the transition between the Chopin nocturne in c# minor and clair de lune from 24:34 to 24:42 was SOOOOO smooth oh my goddd it was so satisfying. I deadass had to stop what I was doing and rewind a few secs so I could catch the transition again. so good. marvelous work!!!

    1. Rain Rhapsody

      It’s one of my faves! Along with And Then There Were None. You’ve got to try that one too it’s really good, there’s tight suspense and it’ll keep you guessing till the end.

  4. XUEN

    Wrote a love letter to my gurl asking her to be my valentine while listening to this:

    My darling,

    This letter is like many I wrote to you,hopeless romantic ink spilling on paper,confessing to you that I love you dearly with every pump of blood in my heart,with every molecule of oxygen I breathe in. I repeat the 3 words every night,for multiple times, in between laughs, in between profound stares. I love you, I love you, I love you; a vow I recite, the only oath I carry to the day I die, not because I swear to it,but because I fall in love with you over and over again in every morning light. You’re the first person that comes to my mind, in peak and valley, in sweetest and sleepless nights.

    My shield and sheath; you make me courageous and brave, I feel like I could take over the world with you by my side,yet you make me soft and tender, careful not to make a single crinkle in between your brows. How is it possible for both to coexist at the same time—strong and weak, I don’t really know either, but it’s like I’ve been lucky enough to be casted a magic spell,to be loved by the most astounding woman in the entire universe since the day I met you. I figured nothing has to make sense if you’re with me. Even if we took the most daring path, I know I’m safe if you never let me go.

    You know what they say? Short-term memories last only for about 18-30 seconds while long-term memories may last for months or years, rare ones even decades. But I just know the moments we spent together will last in my head for a century, to the end of time. No matter what the future holds for us, I’ll picture you with your loving eyes filled with happiness as you look into mine,I’ll think of you like a old cassette stuck in a cassette player replaying the same rhyme,I’ll long to relive each and every moment if we could turn back time. Even if I forget your face in time, I wouldn’t forget how you make me feel, lightheaded by a kiss, my heart trembles at your slightest touch, systole and diastole exchange sighs at the lovesick maiden that makes them work overtime.

    I blushed at the fact that I’m so smitten by a girl with short curls falling in her eyes, I blame it on her honey dipped smile, on her kind and gentle hands,that cause a night in summer awfully heated causing a flush as red as the rose, a love that burns so bright. But I know it’s not true,it’s the way your face lit up when I’m in her sight, the droop like a wet dog at every goodnight that melts my heart,it’s the little things like heartfelt paragraphs and mellow lullabies, the … everything about you, your beautiful mind,perfect imperfections and all that lies within you. Bear with me as I steal the words from another poet of time, ‘ the greatest poem ever written in a single line, YOU.’ to remind you that I love you just because you are you, most unique and one of a kind.

    My sunflower, would you give me the honor— to be your Valentine?


  5. Nisa Mercedes

    “May I have this dance?” she questioned, I stumbled back a bit, surprised by her question. But something inside my awoke, a feeling I have waited so long for.
    this was it, this is what had been missing, this was what I had desired for oh so long.
    The rooms eyes were on me and her, all there was was just one decision left.
    For a momen I thought, “how will this effect me?”, I asked myself. My vision wandered towards my mothers’ whos eyes were quickly directed to mine. Her look was frightening, almost like she was trying to tell me something.
    I soon noticed the rest of my families shocked & angry eyes guided to mine and realized what they trying to say…

    And thats when I realized..

    I had spent every moment of my life in their approval. Every desicion ‘I’ had made was my garudiauns choice, never truly mine.
    This was the first real decision I have or probably will ever make on my own, and in front of so many witness.

    so I turned my attention back to her, our eyes locking…and then I knew..

    I was in Love with her.

    I took her hand slowly, politely accepting.
    She pulled me close to her ever so gently. Her right hand finding its way to my waist, wiles her left remained in mine.
    Then we danced never breaking eye contact. Her hands were so gentle, never like his, and her eyes were warm and inviting, while his were cold and angry. Every intention she had was beautiful and consensual and I couldnt help but fall even harder for the girl.

    As the dance ended she pulled even closer, breaking all gaps between us. Her hand had tucked a loose hair strand behind my ear and then traced my jaw, lifting my head twards hers.
    Our eyes never left each other, she leaned in and whispered one single phrase, “I love you”.

    and with that..she kissed me..passionatly, for twas not a lustful kiss, but one filled with Love and nothing more, just pure, young, beautiful, love.
    and I kissed her back and everything was perfect.

    I knew I found the love of my life, and I vowed not to ever loose this feeling.

    a/n: i tried but y’all like this???

  6. alii

    You fell asleep while reading a Jane Austen book. When you wake up, you’re in a strange room with mint-colored wallpapers. A weird noise comes from the window.
    When you check what it is, it’s a boy, calling you.

    You don’t know him. But he seems to know you a lot. He asks that you go down. There is nobody else in the strange house. You realize you have gotten back in time. There are no phones, no TV. 1900s? No, it must be earlier than that. 1800s maybe. Only now do you realize that you are wearing a very thick, pink gown.

    “Miss Olivia!” The boy calls you. “You seem to have missed our gathering at home? Although I am certain that I have not forgotten to send you an invitation! How could I? You are my dearest friend, after all!”
    You look at him. You feel a sense of urge to wrap your hands around him. Why? You do not know this boy at all.

    But seeing him makes you feel… kind of sad.
    Whoever this Olivia is, she must have great feelings towards this boy.

    “Why do you not speak at all? Have you gone utterly mute, my friend?”

    You shake your head, not knowing what to say.

    “You must feel sorry for me, I daresay,” he whines. “I’ve been thinking about it. Perhaps, you were right after all. Yesterday when you confessed your indignation at my marriage with another woman, I felt mostly betrayed. Although it came to my realization that you might just miss my company, that’s all! I believe you care a lot about me.”

    You nod, but you don’t know why. It just feels like the right thing to do.

    “Perhaps in another life, we might be husband and wife!” He jests. He laughs for a while until his smile slowly fades. For a moment, you think he means it.

    In another life…

    Before you could ask him more, suddenly, you wake up. The book has fallen from your bed. Before you could recover from the haze of the sleep, there’s a noise coming from your window.

    It’s a boy, your new next-door neighbor. He’s calling out your name. You two have been quite close since he came here.

    For a brief moment, you feel strangely relieved. As though, you have always been waiting for this moment to come.

  7. mike

    Is it weird that I’m a aromantic but i like classical love music or songs about love in general, they seem cute, but when I think about me having a romantic relationship I say pass. But love songs are just so good and pretty, they sound awesome, please tell me im not the only one

  8. shooting star ੈ✩‧₊

    “you have to tell them what you really feel about them !”

    you heard your friend’s gentle voice ringing at the back of your head.

    a long, heavy sigh escaped your lips as you sat with your legs crossed on the green grass, admiring the beautiful estates from the top of the hill.

    you had always found peace and comfort up on the hill. it was where you would go when you felt like detaching yourself from reality. reconnecting with nature had always been a form of escapism to you.

    your mind wandered back to the conversation you had with your friend earlier.

    do i really love them ?

    you were sure it wasn’t love that you felt. or at least you thought so.

    but then there was something about the late night talks, stargazing-at-3am dates, the songs in the car that you blasted together, and the flickering city lights that made your heart lurched rather painfully in your chest.

    you could feel your blood stirring up in a mixture of excitement and anxiety. the sickening feeling in your stomach nearly made you puke your guts out.

    you knew somewhere in between those bittersweet memories, you fell for their soul.

    as a friend, your brain added rather abruptly.

    yeah, you never loved them.

    but you shared each other’s dreams, aspirations, and just about everything else in between.

    you never loved them.

    but their presence was everything you ever wanted. they were your favourite anecdote, your serotonin booster.

    you were sure you never loved them.

    but then again, they were the only one who knew precisely how to make you smile so hard that your cheeks hurt, how to make you feel safe, and frankly how to get on your nerves too. though you knew very well the exasperation won’t last long for they knew just how to make you laugh to tears in mere seconds.

    it wasn’t love, yet it wasn’t nothing either.

    perhaps it was just stolen glances while you read together at the library, those ridiculous inside jokes you shared together, the handwritten notes you both passed to each other in class while the teacher was giving lectures, or even the giddy feeling you felt when their legs brushed against yours when you sit across one another.

    yeah, you never loved them. you never did.

    you knew it wasn’t love.

    but it could have been ; at another time, in another place, in a different reality or universe. just beyond this life.

          “(name) !”

    you turned your head to the side when you heard a familiar voice called out your name.

          “i knew i’d find you here !”

    well, speak of the devil.

    and there they were, standing there with their back crouched forwards, panting vaguely as they steadied themselves with both hands on their knees for a moment to catch their breath before waving their hand at you with a tired-but-cheeky grin adorning their lips.

    you smiled at the sight in front of you as you slowly got to your feet, brushing the dust off your pants as you did so.

    “so, shall we ?”

    they stretched their arm out and bent their elbow, glancing sideway at you who were now giggling softly at the sudden theatric, very much to your amusement.

    with no hesitation, you linked your arm through theirs, and together both of you walked down the steep, narrow road as childlike giggles filled the atmosphere.

    but even though you never said it to each other, you knew. deep down from the bottom of your hearts, both of you knew you made each other feel something.

    yet maybe both of you were just too scared to call it love.

    and perhaps …

    this was what people call “more than friends, less than lovers”, where two individuals lurk around in the dangerous in-between.


    a/n : it’s a sch night and i can’t sleep hsdhsh so i thought why not listen to some music and write a short story while i’m at it LOLOLOL

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