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a playlist for night studies (dark academia)



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CREDITS ─ all videos are by emirhan bal from pixabay

TIMESTAMPS ─ in the comments section, i decided to put them there since, for some reason, there is less possibility that the video will be blocked, let's see if it works

COPYRIGHT ─ all rights to the original owners, i don't own any music or images used in this video

ADS ─ if you see ads in the video, it's because youtube places them automatically, i have no control of the ads, you can solve that problem by adding an adblocker in your browser or skipping the video to the end and then press replay

TAGS ─ #darkacademia #studymusic #study #music #aestheticplaylist



  1. nobody

    TIMESTAMPS / (composer/s) [performer/s]

    00:00 wong chia chi’s theme ‘piano version’ (alexandre desplat) [jessie black]
    03:42 memories in the drizzle (nowt)
    08:17 mariage d’ amour (paul de senneville) [toms mucenieks]
    13:21 canon in d ‘version 1’ (pachelbel) [ibi]
    17:22 at night we fly (nowt)
    21:05 reflections (toshifumi hinata) [pianothek]
    23:14 i giorni (ludovico einaudi) [rafael zacher]
    29:01 la dispute (yann tiersen) [piano time]
    31:20 ctrl + s (ibi)
    38:00 ballade (luke faulkner)
    40:51 let the sea take it away (nowt)
    45:39 togetherless (franz gordon)
    49:23 nocturne op. 27 no. 2 (chopin) [kassia]
    55:13 sorrow in the forest (nowt)
    58:00 gnossienne no. 4 (erik satie) [paul barton]
    01:01:29 repeat ↺

  2. Noelani DeHarte

    These playlists have been a godsent. Recently I’ve been having a lot of trouble with school but whenever I put one of these playlists on, it’s like nothing else matters and I am calm. Thank you so much for taking the time to put all of these videos together. I am forever grateful

  3. thewaywardpoet

    POV: You’re a student at Oxford in the days just before the outbreak of the Great War. It’s autumn and the air has a chill in it that foretells of the coming winter. Between classes, you wander the ancient stone halls, which are brilliantly juxtaposed by the bright colors of the fall foliage, and think of the great minds who once called the campus home. Sometimes, on particularly grey afternoons like this one, you’d swear you could see their ghosts gliding along on the dons’ coattails…

  4. The Girl With No Name

    To everyone who’s studying with this music:


    • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate?

    • Your charger. You sometimes don’t even notice that your device’s battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time?

    • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it’s a late night study session, you won’t wake up anyone?

    • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕

    • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨

    •Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy ?

    Reminder:After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it’s cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.

    You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that’s even better than listening to music while reading the book.

    I hope y’all had a good day, if not, that’s okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight ??

    (This comment isn’t originally mine, but I think it can help a lot of people :))

  5. 09My_Chemical_Black_Veil_In_White19

    My playlist goes from the softest of classical to the heaviest of metal. Don’t let anyone tell you you need to just like one genre; music is music and it helps in ways unimaginable.
    If you’re reading this, keep going. You will make it to where you want and/or need to be. I believe in you <3

  6. anu abraham

    It’s currently 12.21 a.m here. I am pulling an all nighter for my last exam of 12th grade tomorrow. After the exam, i won’t be a school student anymore. I don’t know why but i’m having this overwhelming feeling. Currently i am listening to this playlist and thinking about all the memories i’ve made with my fellow classmates throughout the years. Honestly, i wish i never grew up.

    1. Diya Kiran

      I’m currently where you were two years ago, beginning to start your last two years of school. It’s hard and looks like another language, and school hasn’t really started for us yet, but after two years I’ll come back and remember the me that’s commenting this.
      It matters that it happened more than it has ended. You got to have a great time, and you did it great!
      There’s really no point in me replying, but I’m happy for you. You’re the future I’ll be in two years. So… Just said.

  7. DjL

    To anyone studying, good luck! Do your best and celebrate the little victories of finishing some readings or solving a math problem. It may be a long road, but even a small step is a step nonetheless. Don’t forget to take the occasional break and take care of yourself and others.

    To anyone drawing, have fun! It’s easy to compare your art and skill to others, but try to enjoy what you can do and the uniqueness of your art. Draw what makes you happy and in the style you enjoy, even if that style changes from time to time. 🙂

    To anyone writing, whether for fun or professionally, good luck as well. Hopefully you can create some phrases or words that fit perfectly and flow like inky water through the landscape of your piece.

    To anyone sleeping, sweet dreams. Hopefully you can fall asleep quickly and awake marvelously refreshed.

    To anyone relaxing, may you have a good period of rest. Hopefully you can enjoy your time of reflection or decompression.

    To anyone who’s having a hard time or struggling, which I’m sure is many of us, hang in there. Things may be dark for a long time, but the stars are still there. Try to find those glimmers of light, those happy moments or times when things work out better than usual, and hang on to them. You’re loved. 🙂

    To anyone, have a good day. Be kind to others and yourself. ✨

  8. QuinnZell Knight

    I’ve been procrastinating a lot lately and I’ve been really stressed because of schoolwork. I’ve been looking for a playlist and this really helped me. I got some work done so thank you!

  9. Fenfen Wang

    To everyone who’s studying with this music:


    • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate?

    • Your charger. You sometimes don’t even notice that your device’s battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time?

    • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones because it blocks background noises. Also, if it’s a late-night study session, you won’t wake up anyone?

    • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕

    • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone, a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨

    •Anything else you could need, what about a heating pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy ?

    Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it’s cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.
    You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that’s even better than listening to music while reading the book. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

    I hope y’all had a good day, if not, that’s okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight ??

    And remember if you’re going through anything hard, I’m here to listen and talk to you, ik I’m just a stranger but I’m human too <3 you can reply or we can chat on discord if you're not confident talking here. ♡

    — Love you, stranger, .........♡

  10. Analice Santanna

    Sometimes I like to imagine that I’m walking through a city, alone, feeling the wind on my face… Feeling complete, happy and free. But when the music stops, I remember that the melody just made me daydream and that reality is totally antagonistic.

  11. winter Bear

    The feelings I get from listening to these playlists/music are something I cannot explain, like it’s really good bring backs memories I’ve never experienced, longing and looking for smthing continuesly.
    Thank you ♡

  12. Katherine E

    This is such a soul-touching artwork. I only wish I could listen it to sleep while dealing with my darkest thoughts from my depression, but I guess I can’t handle the amount the ads noises inserted in the middle of this video.

    1. Fenne Leuverink

      Hi, i know i might be very late, but skipping to the end and then pressing replay gets rid of the ads for me! I hope you feel better soon, you are doing amazing <3 Much love, a stranger 🙂

  13. Violet

    And I was facing spring once again. No matter how hard I try, I can never run from him, can I?
    There he was again…brown t-shirt and quiet shoes. He stood there staring right at me, his thick hair swaying in the gentle breeze.
    He had the most lit up and reflective eyes God ever created. Instantly took me back to the times at the rooftop of our night school. Laying over the overgrown moss on the cracked concrete as we studied the starlit sky instead of studying for our exams our young souls couldn’t help but feel thrilled.
    Spring told me all about Zeus’s gift to Europa; the Canis Major.
    The stars were pretty but even prettier when I was taking them in from the reflection in Spring’s bright eyes.
    ‘Greek Gods and their lavish gifts to fill in for their absence huh?’
    -But, I’d be pretty happy with a constellation. Time isn’t always flexible. There’s so much to pursue in the long run.
    Spring spoke again; ‘You’d be okay even if presents are all the company you have?’
    I took my time with this question noticing the familiar edge in his voice.
    -The constellation was in the shape of a bull as a reminiscence of their very first encounter. Zeus aligned it so as no one forgets their story. He wanted everyone to know how much he loved her. Can’t I appreciate the great Greek god of skies showing his love towards his mortal lover?
    ‘But you don’t receive my love that easily’
    I felt my breath get hitched in my throat. I turned my head to the side hoping he didn’t catch it.
    ‘I’ll ask again. Would you ever leave me to pursue something you’ve always wanted?’
    I feel myself let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding:-You know my answer.
    ‘Even when I volunteer to go with you? If only you’d agree…think of what we could have; same school, same time zone same…us’
    I find myself fiddling with my billowing sleeves, looking anywhere but him:-You’ve known my answer.
    I felt his burning gaze on me as he spoke next: ‘Yes, I have. I’ve known it since the day I borrowed your pencil and never gave it back hoping you’d talk to me.’
    I stilled at that. He paused before continuing: ‘I’ve known it since the day I caught your eye at my game and you stared straight without returning my smile. That Valentines when I watched as you struggled to say no to your admirers as they handed over chocolates to you but handed them over to your girlfriends the moment they turned at their heels’
    ‘I’ve always known just how cautious you have been. Around anyone and everyone, worried you’d give your true feelings away or even hurt someone else’s feelings. I’ve watched you as you did your best to not raise anyone’s hopes at having you, be it Valentine’s or any other day. I’ve always noticed the distance you’ve placed between yourself and others, believe me because I have.’
    I turned to meet his gaze. Contrary to what I assumed the eyes that were looking at me were much warmer if not concentrated. He looked at me like he couldn’t read me well.There was a frown between his arched eyebrows. My fingertips found their way as they began to work. His skin was cooled from the spring night breeze but some of the heat from his skin seeped through.
    ‘I’ve always stood back and watched you keep everyone at an arms distance as if you were always ready to leave to somewhere far away’ he finished watching me quietly.
    -And yet you approached me repeatedly until I let you in.
    I dropped my eyes to his. They were brown. Not the brown from chocolate but almost like my morning coffee; plain black with no sugar. I found my fingers had moved to his eyebrows now, tracing the fine lines. He closed his eyes at this. His lids weren’t heavy but his eyelashes were.
    ‘You still haven’t let me in’ my fingertips hovered on top of his eyelashes at that. –I haven’t?
    He opened his eyes at that- oh those eyes…I felt myself stumble into them the first time I looked into them and the effect they have on me still haven’t changed. Brown eyes may seem so and so until you fall for someone with brown eyes.
    -Tell me then. What part of me have I not let you in to yet?
    ‘Let me come with you. We…just got together but you never let me do anything for you. I want to hold your hand as you achieve everything you’ve dreamt of’.
    My hand still hovered above his face- You want me to take you away with me oceans away…away from your own dreams? What about your own happiness?
    ‘And what if I tell you that you are now my happiness?’ I lightly drag the crescent right below his eyes and I feel him lean in.
    -Then I must tell you that I cannot promise to always be enough. I’ve watched you too, you know as you talked about your dreams so different from mine; I watched your pupils relax into this clearer shade of brown-I…have I ever told you that I absolutely love your eyes? They are so pretty
    He is quiet for a while until I realize the tip of my thumb is wet. But his voice is calm when he speaks next.
    ‘But they aren’t pretty enough to make you let me stay, are they?’ a pause as I say nothing waiting for an outburst from him that doesn’t come.
    ‘Have I ever told you that you are just a little mean? Telling me you love my eyes right before we part ways. Is this your way of making sure I never forget you?’
    -You know well that we do not have to part, long dist-
    ‘Would you call me regularly though? Or pick up my calls?’ his voice starting to sound just a little breathy. I brush my knuckles against his cheekbones just the slightest bit cool from his dried tears. I choose to stay silent this time.
    ‘You wouldn’t. You can’t even promise me that much ‘cause of the place you’re going to. No, don’t give me that look. I’ve always known that you do not plan to go to college for the next couple of years. That the dream that you keep quiet about is volunteering at the war sigh-
    -You’ve known all along? How come you never-
    ‘Never what? You know that I can’t- no wouldn’t stop you from doing something that you so desperately wish to do. But I also couldn’t hold myself back from falling for the person you are and the more I fell for you, the more I dreaded the day I’d have to let you go like that. There were times I tried to hold myself back from approaching you too knowing how this would end. So at the end all I could come to was that you at least let me go with you.’
    -You talk about how hard it will be for you. What about me? How could I drag the man I love away from the life he’s dreamt of since he was younger?
    I pause for a moment as I feel a trembling hand on mine. I take a deeper breath before continuing:-I have no family and never had anyone who cherished me, not until you came along. I know I am to blame for letting you in so I cannot make a bigger mistake by taking you away from the ones who love you. Your family, your friends who cheered you up every time I tiptoed around you, your-your five dogs. You shine, my love. I’ve heard the professors praise you and felt nothing but pride. I’ve seen your college application. You have every bit of potential to be the vet you’ve always dreamt of becoming.
    I take his hand in both of mine, rubbing soothing circles before continuing-I on the other hand have to do this. I have to. The world has given me everything I have asked it to and even more. I never thought I deserved to have a boyfriend let alone someone like you. The world deserves you and I certainly don’t.
    His next words come slightly muffled as he leans on my shoulder; ‘You said you have no one. What about me? You just called me your boyfriend but never let me be one for you. Why can’t you let me hover around you even when you know that I’m aware of what it will take? I knew you were the one I wanted to be with since the first time I saw you. The time I borrowed a pencil from you, the time I overheard your talk with the professor about your volunteer plan, and the time you quietly picked up the fallen peony from the bouquet I was holding before taking it into your arms and giving me the most beautiful smile are all carved into my memory like they were just yesterday when you know how far we’ve come.’
    He wraps the other arm around me and pulls me closer.
    ‘Loving you came too easily. It was like breathing to me.’
    -Loving you on the other hand was like testing the waters. I put my feet in to test and next thing I know I’m deep in.
    I find myself leaning in to him.
    And just like that years have passed. The urge to lean into those eyes, to just let myself get tangled in them still hasn’t gone away even after all these years.
    His eyes momentarily land on me before they turn towards the front. For a second I stand there and wonder if he did recognize me, the added scars on my face are sure to make it hard. I push my doubts aside as the signal turns red. He crosses over and I follow after him quietly before taking over and facing him.
    Looking closer I could see the lines added to his face by time. Pushing away the urge to press my fingers into those crescents I ask instead:-Do you happen to have an extra pen?
    There’s a tensed pause before ‘No, but would a pencil do?’
    There’s a curve forming at his lips and I feel an upward tug at my own.


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