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a playlist for night readers (dark academia)

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TIMESTAMPS ─ in the comments section, i decided to put them there since, for some reason, there is less possibility that the video will be blocked, let's see if it works

COPYRIGHT ─ all rights to the original owners, i don't own any music or images used in this video

ADS ─ if you see ads in the video, it's because youtube places them automatically, i have no control of the ads, you can solve that problem by adding an adblocker in your browser or skipping the video to the end and then press replay

TAGS ─ #darkacademia #studymusic #reading #aestheticplaylist



  1. Vera Official

    timestamps for those who don’t read the description
    00:00 nocturne op. 9 no. 2 (chopin)
    04:36 clair de lune (debussy)
    10:49 air (bach/arr. siloti) [rousseau]
    16:06 piano sonata 2nd mov. adagio (mozart) [mitsuko uchida]
    23:11 en rêve (liszt) [olivier moulin]
    25:49 gymnopédie no. 1 (satie)
    29:03 waltz in a minor (chopin) [khoa]
    31:32 lieder ohne worte op.19 no. 2 in a minor (mendelssohn) [barenboim]
    33:52 consolation no. 3 (liszt) [rousseau]
    38:47 may: starlit nights (tchaikovsky) [olga scheps]
    43:11 moonlight sonata 1st mov. (beethoven)
    48:28 gnossienne no. 5 (satie) [kenban]
    52:27 7 canciones populares españolas, no. 6 (de falla) [luke faulkner]
    55:07 first step (peter j. malmsjö)

  2. messypens

    You fell asleep while reading a Jane Austen book. When you wake up, you’re in a strange room with mint-colored wallpapers. A weird noise comes from the window. When you check what it is, it’s a boy, calling you.

    You don’t know him. But he seems to know you a lot. He asks that you go down. There is nobody else in the strange house. You realize you have gotten back in time. There are no phones, no TV. 1900s? No, it must be earlier than that. 1800s maybe. Only now do you realize that you are wearing a very thick, pink gown.

    “Miss Olivia!” The boy calls you. “You seem to have missed our gathering at home? Although I am certain that I have not forgotten to send you an invitation! How could I? You are my dearest friend, after all!”
    You look at him. You feel a sense of urge to wrap your hands around him. Why? You do not know this boy at all.

    But seeing him makes you feel… kind of sad.
    Whoever this Olivia is, she must have great feelings towards this boy.

    “Why do you not speak at all? Have you gone utterly mute, my friend?”

    You shake your head, not knowing what to say.

    “You must feel sorry for me, I daresay,” he whines. “I’ve been thinking about it. Perhaps, you were right after all. Yesterday when you confessed your indignation at my marriage with another woman, I felt mostly betrayed. Although it came to my realization that you might just miss my company, that’s all! I believe you care a lot about me.”

    You nod, but you don’t know why. It just feels like the right thing to do.

    “Perhaps in another life, we might be husband and wife!” He jests. He laughs for a while until his smile slowly fades. For a moment, you think he means it.

    In another life…

    Before you could ask him more, suddenly, you wake up. The book has fallen from your bed. Before you could recover from the haze of the sleep, there’s a noise coming from your window.

    It’s a boy, your new next-door neighbor. He’s calling out your name. You two have been quite close since he came here.

    For a brief moment, you feel strangely relieved. As though, you have always been waiting for this moment to come.

  3. yuriel

    I honestly am in love with classic music.
    It’s a shame how little people appreciates it.
    Every time I listen to this it feels like a whole new world.
    Leaving reality behind and building our own beautiful world. Like a virtual reality that soothes our minds. Washes away our worries and allow us to breathe freely. Personally this playlist reminds me of a flowery field with a bright warm sun hugging the earth. As I embrace the lovely warmth of the sun and playfully chasing after a beautiful white crow..

    Amongst the seas of people I know I’m not the only one grateful.
    But I just wanted to share this with you all.

    Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying I’m not saying nobody appreciates it! I’m just saying so few people tend to appreciate it!? This just feels so majestic I love this playlist‼️

  4. ana watson

    i love how everyone’s writing what theyre reading as theyre listening to this playlist,, its so heartwarming for some reason.
    im reading the eighth life by nino haratischvili currently, i just started and the atmosphere of the book fits so well with this playlistt!

    1. KyutenVA

      imho, i highkey think it’s because of the pandemic and all that made DA flourish in the first place (yk cause like for college/uni students wanting to have that type of study environment and all) and considering how everything seems like it’s going back to the norm before the pandemic, there isn’t that much of a need for DA because the people can experience it irl and all.. and thats why the DA side isn’t growing as much as it did before

    1. Marnie Holdsworth Green

      Sherlock Holmes stories are just brilliant – just to be able to pick up the book of the collection and read one every now and then, plus the way they are from Watson’s perspective and are all interconnected, referencing one another!! oh god I want to read one now ?

  5. Kri

    “Did you know..”

    *Her fingers danced across the piano as her eyes crinkled into a smile of sorts.*

    “That i had a lover?”

    *The music slowly stopped as the old woman slowly pulled her hands into a close around where her heart is located*

    “we loved each other like 2 pea`s in a pod…”

    *A broken laugh escaped the woman, As warm salty tears flowed down her cheeks like rain*

    “And yet fate, Oh fate… It hates even the most purest forms of love.”

    *An image slowly painted itself in your mind, A image of a woman standing in front of a gravestone, Screaming. Pleading. Asking what she had done for him to be erased. You could see the pure pain on the womans face. And with a start you realised*

    “I wonder. Were we ever meant to be?”

    *The girl in the image, Was the very woman standing in front of you. You watched as she hunched over slightly, And broke into a sob*

  6. Julia

    This playlist reminds me that I have to practice piano, my passion, but responsibilities school, stress, and anxiety leave me no time for it. All these responsibilities are slowly turning practicing and playing the piano into a task or homework rather than an actually enjoyable and relaxing thing to do. I wish time didn’t exist, that music was eternal and I could wander my hands through that wonderful black and white blur of sound for eternity. I wish I didn’t have to rely on material things to live, I wish I was capable of simply existing in a realm of beauty, color, and sound, without having to worry about the impending dread of work and stress. I wish I was a musical note, played by a piano, release into thin air, to simply exist and form part of greater beauty. To last forever while only existing for a couple of seconds, from the time it takes me to be played to the hundreds of years I would spend written on a piece of sheet music, waiting, for someone to play me again.

    1. Danilyn Dimanalata

      I love your comment so much… I also wish that we “didn’t have to rely on material things to live”
      I love these words, I love how you said it <3 "simple existing in a realm of beauty, color and sound" wow~ lovely <3

    2. Julia

      @stars_are_weird :p thank you so much <3 I appreciate it, I am currently playing chopin's nocture op. 9 no. 2 (the first piece on this playlist) and I have been playing and practicing it for almost 8 months now. It can be extremely monotone sometimes, but I have to admit that it is worth it. It gives me so much joy to play. I've got highs and lows but overall I am feeling more motivated every day. -love J

  7. Georgewasfound

    Imagine this: Your writing a letter to a loved one using a type writer listening to this playlist by the fire.
    The warmth of the wonderful fire gave you joy while its snowing outside, the silky beautiful white snow on the ground
    The fire crackles and you smile warmly, you then finished writing the letter and wore your coat and went outside to give the mailman your letter. You come back home and went upstairs to go to your bedroom, and lay down on your bed staring at the ceiling thinking what you should do next. You thought of reading a book, You then stood up and chose a book to read. You found a book, that looked old. It looked like a vintage one, that book caught your attention and your now interested in it, “the night of the Dancing Flowers”, you then sat down near the fire that gave you light and warmth. You then started to read and after 1 hour of reading, you were asleep. By the fire, sleeping like a lost royal who ran away from the kingdom and has found shelter and made a fire.

    1. • Lucky Lavender •

      I loved all of Eric Carl’s books, especially The Very Hungry Caterpillar. His books taught me how to read. One in particular, I can’t remember the name it’s been so long, named different zoo animals, and when you flipped the page the animal described the preceding page was vividly colored. Since I could identify the animals, I could study the names of the animals. The book taught me some of my first words, and even though Mr. Carle has passed, he and his books are forever imprinted in my heart.

  8. nobody

    timestamps / (composer) [performer]

    click > 1:05:55 < and press replay to skip all the ads 00:00 nocturne op. 9 no. 2 (chopin) 04:36 clair de lune (debussy) 10:49 air (bach/arr. siloti) [rousseau] 16:06 piano sonata 2nd mov. adagio (mozart) [mitsuko uchida] 23:11 en rêve (liszt) [olivier moulin] 25:49 gymnopédie no. 1 (satie) 29:03 waltz in a minor (chopin) [khoa] 31:32 lieder ohne worte op.19 no. 2 in a minor (mendelssohn) [barenboim] 33:52 consolation no. 3 (liszt) [rousseau] 38:47 may: starlit nights (tchaikovsky) [olga scheps] 43:11 moonlight sonata 1st mov. (beethoven) 48:28 gnossienne no. 5 (satie) [kenban] 52:27 7 canciones populares españolas, no. 6 (de falla) [luke faulkner] 55:07 first step (peter j. malmsjö)

    1. Screensaving Gamer

      I cannot replay in the tv, the command does not exist. Nor one can install an ad block, in any android or ios based system, unless you use the browser and not the app. Just for all those smart dudes repeating “just install ad block”.

  9. of the day

    i got dressed up in an outfit that i believe matches the dark academia aesthetic, turned on a candle, pulled out my journals and books, and started studying. i’ve found that romanticizing my responsibilities is the one thing that motivates me to do them ❤

  10. Natasha Green

    I like that this is portraying the more peaceful side of a dark academia, like watching the moon in silence, or writing, reading, or playing the piano in candlelight, rather than a list that brings me down into the pit of depression, this lifts me up while I still get my beautiful dark academia aesthetic fix! Thanks.

    1. Đức Thịnh Mai

      one the one with dark academia or dark academia mindset or dark academia time as in general is… want to get out of dark academia as soon as they can… ok thanks for sharing your “favorite” taste” about your “beautiful dark academia aesthetic” mindset”…

  11. Natasha Green

    No dark/light academia, cottage/romantic/royal core playlist is complete without Gymnopedie no. 1 by Erik Satie. It’s funny how it’s in every single one of these lists, but I never grow tired of listening to it!
    It seems Impressionistic pieces fit with all these playlists, does anyone else think it’s just a Classical style of music that still connects very deeply with people today? I could listen to Impressionist music exclusively for the rest of my days! 🙂

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