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Magic Bookstore in the Woods – Vol.2 – Iroh’s Bookstore

Welcome to Iroh's Magic Bookstore! ??✨?
Iroh is a powerful sorcerer with incredible abilities and also the keeper of the Magic Forest. His Bookstore contains some of the rarest books in the world. He is also the wisest man on earth and people from everywhere come to his store to seek answers but they all get told – “Your answer is in this book”. Then he hands them one of his books and tells them to go in the Reading Cage and stay there until they find their answers. The more they read, the wiser he gets as the magic flows throughout the pages. Once they finish it, they return the book and leave the place with a sense of gratitude and relief, for they have found their answers.

Special thanks to Robert McCall for designing this stunning environment and letting me feature it on my channel. Please, go follow him on ArtStation and check his other works, too at:

You guys know that I use Epidemic Sound to get copyright-free music and SFX for my YouTube videos so today I wanted to share my playlist with the music I used in this video:

Discover and download over 35,000 tracks and 90,000 sound effects. Filter by mood, genre, tempo, and vocals, or get inspired by personal recommendations.
If you need royalty-free music or SFX for your videos you can sign up for a 30-day free trial here:

You can best enjoy this video through headphones. I recommend SleepPhones® headphones. They are the most comfortable (no uncomfortable earbuds or bulky ear enclosures) sleep headphones for listening to ASMR or ambiance videos. I have discovered these recently, and they are a real gamechanger.

You can purchase SleepPhones® at: .
to get 10% off all purchases $99.95 +
The code is valid from 5/11/22 – 8/11/22

➤ – SleepPhones® Wireless (Bluetooth® Sleep Headphones)
➤ – SleepPhones®: ASMR Edition


1. Snowflake Dream by Etienne Roussel
2. Rhododendron by Brightarm Orchestra
3. Pandora's Box by Arthur Benson
4. Look To The Stars by Johannes Bornlöf
5. Dancing In The Rain by Johannes Bornlöf
6. Hope Whispers by Johannes Bornlöf
7. Before It All Began by Howard Harper-Barnes
8. Where The Light Is by Howard Harper-Barnes
9. Building Our New Life by Leimoti
10. Like Any Other Day by Kikoru


Disclaimer: Some links included in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!



  1. The Vault of Ambience

    ??‍♂Check out my other Magic Bookstore in the Woods Collection:

    1. Magic Bookstore in the Woods – Vol.4 – Inside Iroh’s Bookstore – https://youtu.be/-lrqKzmPDvQ
    2. Magic Bookstore in the Woods – Vol.3 – Iroh’s Secret Place – https://youtu.be/iODK5IasfWA
    3. Magic Bookstore in the Woods – Vol.1 – The Reading Cage – https://youtu.be/19E9p_6ysfE

    ?‍♀Check out my favourite Fantasy & Magic Ambience Collection:

    1. Enchanted Forest Vol.3 Memories From The Past – https://youtu.be/AOkuud-rafQ
    2. Finding Pandora – AVATAR Music & Ambience – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXQe8YLk1NI
    3. The Wake of Shroomland – Magical Fantasy Music & Ambience – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRRFKzSPVDo
    4. The Magic Volcano – Music and Ambience – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o63FhIugnk0
    5. The Hobbit Vol.2 Memories Come to Life – Music & ASMR Ambience – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqMpC4Qsbr4
    6. Bag End – Music & Ambience – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4x81hvDLA8
    7. Memories of Hogwarts – Music & Ambience – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reeajtRmbcU
    8. Carriage Ride Through the Woods – Vol. 2 Summer Adventures – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AAes2eQK3w
    9. Enchanted Forest Vol. 2: The Tree of Life – Music & Ambience – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHMwDelqJEk

  2. Onion Deer

    I thought you mean uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender ? would be amazing to see ambience with his tea place! ✨

    EDIT: wow k, never had so many likes here, thanks! Oh well, now she has to make new ambience xD

  3. Rachel Gourley

    I love this side of YouTube. I feel as though this music gives me such comfort, like someone out there understands me. Whenever I’m alone at home, I open YouTube and listen to these playlists. I can escape this reality just by closing my eyes. But the worst part is opening them back up. With my eyes open again, I am left alone gazing into a dark room with my laptop open with an essay due at midnight. My heart breaks again and again when I know that these fantasies aren’t real, and there is nothing I can do about it than imagine and pretend:(

    1. Wild Onion

      There are beautiful people out there, Same as you, Searching for better world, who are also lost, who they believe one day They will find the mysterious world they are hoping for and leave this corrupt materialism world, We all want to find a world where everyone loves each other, Everyone helps each other, everyone cares for each other a place far away from earth, a place where nature at its best and no technology is available, a place where there are beautiful creatures live, We will get there Never Lose HOPE.

    2. Jiro

      I have a different perspective on this. I’m happy that I’m able to listen to this type of music, close my eyes and be lost in countless worlds; so far away yet so close. It’s truly blissful

  4. Calm Cloud Ambience ♪

    To anyone here because of anxiety, fear, excessive stress, or depression, I want you to know you’re not alone. We all go through tough times in life, and it sometimes can feel as though we’ll never get back to normal. But you will. No matter how cold the winter there’s a springtime ahead. Believe in the power of positive thinking. You will endure and you will come out stronger than ever!

  5. Noortje Coenen

    I’ve been struggling to find good music to study to whilst making notes, but your music is really wonderful for that! Knowing the music has a story behind it makes it even better. It almost feels like as if I’m chasing the knowledge right there with Iroh… 😀

  6. p 16

    After listening to this for about 15 minutes (with my noise-cancelling headphones), I genuinely thought this was the background noise of my surroundings. Like i was literally there. What a magical video.

  7. AJax09

    Your videos make my studying and relaxing time so much better. I’ll be playing one on the tv and others in the house will come and sit and listen and they’ll all say “man this is really relaxing, I’m about to fall asleep” I love it so much. Never stop making these amazing videos!

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