a dark academia classical study playlist + ancient library room ambience
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t i m e s t a m p s ??✨
00:00 – Chopin – Nocturne in B flat minor, Op. 9 no. 1
05:42 – Jacob Ladegaard – Mariage d'Amour
10:13 – Chopin – Nocturne No. 20, in C Sharp Minor
14:16 – Vivaldi Variation
16:10 – David Ross Lawn – Luna
19:01 – Tchaikovsky – Valse Sentimentale
24:27 – Franz Gordon – The Art Teacher
28:01 – Johannes Bornlöf – Nocturnal Waltz
30:13 – Erik Satie – Gnossienne No. 1
34:21 – Franz Gordon – The Beggar
37:28 – Shostakovich – Piano Concerto No. 2: II. Andante
43:13 – Ludovico Einaudi – Experience
49:15 – Philip Glass – Orphée Suite: VI. Orphée's Return
56:14 – Trevor Kowalski – And We Walk After
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dark academia, light academia, playlist, aesthetic playlist, late-night, adventure, aesthetic music, piano, main character theme, soundtrack, studying, chilling, chillout, relaxing, sleep, napping, sleeping, instrumental, background, ambient, coffee shop, relaxing radio
#darkacademia #lightacademia #romanticacademia #classicalpiano #studywithme #chill #chillout #chillmusic #lightacademia #piano #studymusic #writingmusic #lovemusic #gamingmusic #relaxingradio #homeworkmusic #homework #epidemicsound #darkacademia #maincharacter
It’s raining, and I’m writing my new book, eating very good snacks and sipping tea. My serotonin levels are off the charts.
I was thinking of writing a book but never had much time to do so. I shall have to find myself an empty notebook as many have languages I wish to learn all set up just for me to read through and learn off by heart. Currently chose Korean and thinking something like Japanese afterwards.
this inspired me to write a book kind of
that’s amazing! I too am writing a book 😀 Hope you have a really good day !
listening to this while studying and sipping tea while it’s raining heavily outside; i’m living my best life
What were you studying for?
That’s the deal breaker
Main character vibeeee
I was feeling it too until an un skippable ad came on
I really be living a whole other life in these playlists and I also have a hobby of making videos about them
to everyone who’s studying with this music:
• a bottle of water, at least 1liter. your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate?
• your charger. you sometimes don’t even notice that your device’s battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time?
• your headphones. you will be able to focus more with headphones because it blocks background noises. also, if it’s a late-night study session, you won’t wake up anyone?
• a tea or coffee. coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕
• your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone, a few pens, paper, or whatever you need.⌨️
• anything else you could need, what about a heating pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy ?
reminder: after an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. better stop the music or put on different music for the break. open your window, even if it’s cold outside. fresh air will make it better, trust me.
you could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. you can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that’s even better than listening to music while reading the book.
i hope y’all had a good day, if not, that’s okay too. remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight ??
( this comment isn’t originally mine, but I think it can help a lot of people 🙂 )
thank u smm <3
This is the 3rd time I’ve seen this comment-
You don’t know how worthy you are and such people who comment such things are my healers thankyou so much healer
I almost forgot to drink water, ty ?
Me before this: I dont like tea it’s just flavoured water
Me after this: *sips tea britishly*
I leave the tea bag in…
@YouTube user Yeah, it’s flavored water with milk!!!
@Beatrix Lynn lmfao
@Alfie Fenton I apologize, hopefully you can clarify for me.
You end your sentence by writing …you’re not.
She is not what, exactly?
me: sips tea whitout milk
British citizen , forgive me please
thank you for adding my piece ‘luna’ to this playlist! ♡
it’s truly beautiful keep it up God bless you and your gorgeous music <33
Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece! I am listening to it as I work on my book!
thank you goat
It’s absolutely beautiful. I love your piece so much.
Thank you for making such beautiful piece! I love contemporary I LIVE FOR CONTEMPORARY PIANO
To anyone who are having their exams/tests soon, you can do this AAA TRUST URSLEF BESTIEEE!! you are VERY CAPABLE in accomplishing everything>3 HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF AND GO FOR IT
Thank you so much!! I ve been so scared that I made too much mistakes on my exams but now I have hope!!
Thank u so much, needed this!
Trying reaaaaallly hard to do my best
Imagine you are studying about vampires and ancient Roman and Greek mythology in an old victorian library at night full with decorative archways and old dusty books with huge potraits. Above you is a tall handsome chandelier giving just enough light to study as the moonlight comes through the window illumnating the rest of the room with a beautiful glow and the cool night breeze blows through your hair and the fireplace crackling with a rythm.
Me who is actually studying history and Greek mythology: i don’t think you wanna go off the deep endddd
It’s what I would be like if I were in exams
“…and the cool night breeze blows through your hair…”
What hair?
Dio sitting in his throne room in Cairo
listened to this doing revision for my Ancient Greek gcse does that count?
I’m stressed out, my last exam of this academic year is approaching and I’ve struggled with my mental health for a while too. But I’ve found again my passion for music. Depression took that from me. And even if listening to this playlist makes me nostalgic and a little bit sad, it’s a good sadness. It’s a healing one. Because I’m here and I’ll continue to stay no matter what. Thank you for this playlist.
checking in, how are u
I feel the need to say to you that you are loved and that you don’t need to carry this burden yourself?♥️
Jesus loves you
You have been strong, we are proud of u!!
You’re doing AMAZING you’ve got this !!!!!
Praying for you. You are strong enough to get through this ❤
I will be most pleased if you imagine this writing at 5:43
“You? A piano player.” He laughed. I stared at the boy’s eyes, as well as I could through his masqeurade mask, and glared.
“I have no doubt I’m better than you.” I smiled and started walking away.
“What piece shall I play?”
“Excuse you, _I_ shall play on _my_ piano.” I walked past him, and introduced the song. I tilted my mask so no one could recognize me, and sat down at my piano. “Paul de Senneville. Mariage d’Amour.” I began and he scoffed.
“This sounds so simple.” I played further, ignoring his remarks. “Amateur.” he whispered.
I played the piece with absolute beauty, no mistakes, and the price of playing was an audience, in which I saw in the reflection of the piano, and heard in their positive affirmations.
I almost could close my eyes and play, but not in front of these people; I know their status. They would make me a soloist.
I played with more feeling than I have in months, and this time, it was oddly easier. I felt like singing with the piano, but I knew better.
I finished the piece, curtsied, and greeted everyone. I turned to face the boy, whom I didn’t know the name of.
“Now, Mr….”
“Call me Milo. Milo Sallow.”
“Mr. Sallow. Can _you_ play Mariage d’Amour?” Everyone stared, and he lifted his chin.
“Lovely playing. You win this round, Miss….”
“Finley. Alice Finley.” I saw it in his eyes; he now recognized me. I took off my mask, and showed the most popular piano player in the state.
“Good day, Mr. Sallow.” And walked away, proud of my win.
@Bella this is just beautiful✨✨✨
Bestie, Netflix better make a movie outta this and give you fat checks for it!!
Wow this is really well written! Seriously, please publish this somewhere!
This was so good I love it
I’m listening to this in the Old College Library looking out the window at my school’s gorgeous main building. This playlist fits so well! I really love the fire and writing sounds you added.
I’m so jelly. My school campus library is really sad and no one is allowed to use it anymore unless you’ve been given a call out (you stay in the library and your lunch as well as school work are brought to you. You can’t go outside or see anyone.) the closest aesthetically pleasing place at school other than sitting in the far corner of the field studying Korean or reading is in the second campus building. It’s only for those in their last 2 years at our school and as a second year, I still have about 3 years until I can use it and it’s quite sad because during free periods they sit in there with headphones in and it’s quiet whilst everyone is studying for tests and if you’re lucky to be by the window (it’s Britain. It rains daily.) then you can hear the rain through your headphones and it’s really relaxing.
Can I admit that I am very jelly? XD
@Todoroki’s Favourite Object wow. i have never heard of schools, out of all places, having such restrictions towards the use of libraries… ?♀️i’m sorry about that!!
“Dance with me,” he said, hand outstretched towards her.
She looked up from her book. “Why?”
It came out as a whisper; more emotion than she liked. She wasn’t used to this. She was never approached quite like this before. If one were to look in a corner of any crowded space, they would find her, hidden by the shadows as she watched the people around her contently.
He bent at the waist so he was eye level with her. “Because you fascinate me. I want to know you more. What better way to get to know you than to start with a dance?”
A smile snuck upon her lips. “I don’t know how to dance.”
“Even better.”
“We’re in a library.”
“Makes it more romantic, no? Besides, there’s no one here.” To emphasize, he nearly yelled out the last part.
She looked into his eyes for any sort of hint of him joking but he seemed like he had really wanted to dance. His hand was still held out and she couldn’t find it in her to deny him. She placed her hand atop his.
and then he turned out to be a vampire and sucked all the blood out of her…. lmao just joking I REPEAT ITS JUST A JOKE
love this
I wanted this to keep goingggggg??
@Meep Moop even better, can you write a longer version of this??
Woke up at 6, prayed , drunk my coffee,made my room ,took a quick shower,brushed my teeth and my hair,opened this video and started studying to achieve my goal
The beauty of life is in little things
I love playlists with background noises in them !!! Another amazing one !! <3
??Couldn’t agree more…
This is one of the best dark academia-themed piano playlists I’ve stumbled on yet. Very atmospheric, and there’s a nice mix of old chestnuts (it is mandatory that every “dark academia” playlist that has classical piano MUST contain at least one of the two Chopin nocturnes you’ve included here) and some more unfamiliar pieces (such as Ross’ “Luna”). Kudos.
POV/short story: You get lost in the woods while it was raining. As you are trying to find a shelter to stay in till the rain passes, you stumble upon an odd castle. Its figure seems to be calling out to you. It feels like it’s pulling you in and you willing follow. As you explore the abounded castle you hear music coming from one of the rooms. Out of curiosity you follow the noise to find yourself in a old libary. The noise seems to be coming from a phonograph by the fire that is some how lit. You pay no attention to it and ask no questions as you walk past. You instead walk between the tall ancient book shelfs, running your finger over the dusty books and reading each title as you do. Everything just seems so nostalgic… so familiar… It’s like you’ve been there before, from a time so long ago…
@Yamaslate Chacha I can’t wait to read it when you are finished sorry about you being grounded
@Alaina Tblood It’s almost finished! Also I am using a different account since I got grounded and stuff lol
@Ashley Khoo It’s almost finished! Also I am using a different account since I got grounded and stuff lol
@Maria Torres @Ashley Khoo @Alaina Tblood It’s almost finished! Also I am using a different account since I got grounded and stuff lol
@Hacker Gurl I am totally okay with thay
it gives “you pick out an ages old book to read which intrigued you in the hidden library of the castle while your lover plays piano pieces and you two spend quality time together doing your own things”
That sounds amazing. It would take a lot of convincing to get the one I love to join me but I have a very close friend who would die to do such an amazing activity with me. She is more Cottagecore and I’m Dark Academia so not the most similar but we both share interests.
aww, that scene is absolutely adorable!
Glad I was able to find the original version of this playlist! Listening to this in my university library while writing an essay feels very surreal. Great playlist!
_SPOTIFY_ : (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ghn5Xdj6hqT8lrJbL5udz?si=7c6bbe2064084722)
*updated timestamps* ⭐
[00:00] – Chopin – Nocturne in B flat minor, Op. 9 no. 1
[05:42] – Jacob Ladegaard – Mariage d’Amour
[10:13] – Chopin – Nocturne No. 20, in C Sharp Minor
[14:16] – Vivaldi Variation
[16:10] – David Ross Lawn – Luna
[19:01] – Tchaikovsky – Valse Sentimentale
[24:27] – Franz Gordon – The Art Teacher
[28:01] – Johannes Bornlöf – Nocturnal Waltz
[30:13] – Erik Satie – Gnossienne No. 1
[34:21] – Franz Gordon – The Beggar
[37:28] – Shostakovich – Piano Concerto No. 2: II. Andante
[43:13] – Ludovico Einaudi – Experience
[49:15] – Philip Glass – Orphée Suite: VI. Orphée’s Return
[56:14] – Trevor Kowalski – And We Walk After
Same ?
it just started raining for me! so i got some tea! but sadly i’m studying ?
why was Mozart removed?
Pop pop p pop
reading dark academic books while listening to this playlist while im in my blanket and it rains outside… best time of my life
me with gallant by v.e. schwab (very late to this comment)
@Todoroki’s Favourite Object Oh I haven’t read them am into romance I have just recently gotten into fantasy but thanks:)
@Naive Lopez I would recommend Harry Potter but that’s usually a household classic and I assume you’ll have read it.
@Jana they have had the ninth house by leigh bardugo at my local supermarket by the check out for so long. every time i go there i beg my mom to buy it for me saying i’ll pay her back. she never does, i’m so tempted just to bring my own money and pay for it myself the next time i’m there lol
Others be worrying about exams meanwhile i’m just reading a book
It’s called ”psychopaths around me”
A psychological book about how to recognize and avoid manipulation
me too, I came here just to read, and I’m reading La Métamorphose by Franz Kafka
@kiitsunx _ yeah
Sorry i didn’t know the correct translation because i’m finnish
surrounded by psychopaths? by the same person who wrote “surrounded by idiots”?
Hehee I’m actually reading a book as well
if only I can afford to buy a book