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Game of Thrones Music & Ambience | Winterfell Snowfall at Dusk

“All the color had been leached from Winterfell until only grey and white remained. The Stark colors."
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  1. andy hutley

    This is why ramin djawadi has been linked to several series I have enjoyed watching more than once. He composes perfectly pieces that fit or set the mood of the scenes, series or characters which become synonymous with them.

  2. Aldo

    September 17th 2021 at 4 am in the morning I am lying on bed listening to this and reading the comments, and having nostalgia wash over my whole body, and thought to share a comment myself. I miss game of thrones a lot, as if it was a series of events that happened and affected me personally in my life. That’s how much of an impact that show left on me with all it‘s complex characters and places. To whoever reads this and misses the show like I do, you are not alone. There are quite a few of us spread around the world under our blankets listening to this beautiful music and having all that nostalgia hitting us like a train. But even though we do not notice that, we are all under one roof living and sharing the same emotional experience, so you are not alone my friend. 🙂

    1. Cara

      @John Neil Bunting Thanks for the kind words, appreciated. I still will never again spend anything on him so…. I don’t care if he finishes (he won’t). And Stephen King is in a completely different league as a writer.
      Far better than GoT by the way is “The Malazan Book of the Fallen”, it takes a bit more effort on the part of the reader but soooo worth it and if you haven’t read it yet you might want to give it a try!

    2. John Neil Bunting

      @Cara M well don’t give up hope. If you know of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. it’s interesting to note there was about 25 years between the second to last book in the series, and the last. {The movie was a huge letdown ..waaaay to much stuff to put in a couple of hours . Should have been a multi season show like GoT.

  3. Pelado No Mundo

    “This makes me miss people that are not real, makes me want to go places that don’t exist, makes me feel like i lived as someone who doesn’t exist in a place that doesn’t exist ” – Galactic Squirrel

    1. honey Robinson

      Did you get the opportunity to go to the concert? I have been to many of concerts in my life time and I can honestly say that the Game Of Thrones concert was Amazing, Surreal, beautiful, haunting and breathtaking.. When the dragons flew across the megaton screen and the blew out fire, the flame throwers they had in the stadium sent heat waves all across the stadium and it was as close as I came to feeling like I was actually in the battle with the actors and the dragons. It was mind blowing!!!

    1. Daith Izumi

      How about for each Chapter about the Starks and then other music for other houses. Like the Mother of Dragons, the Targaryen theme, and other Daenerys themes for Daenerys, and put the Lannister theme for chapters that are about the Lannisters. I’m not sure if the Baratheons have a theme or not.

  4. Loki L/O

    Please do a Targaryen themed one. I love the slower, mysterious pieces for daenerys’ arc, but every playlist has the epic songs that get really loud and distracting so I can never work to Targaryen music lol

    1. Rowena Pye

      Definitely! A lot of the music to Game of Thrones is what I listen to when I write! It really gets out the emotion of the moment, and then pulls at your heartstrings when you least expect it.

  5. Ivbo

    I’ve always felt more at home in cloudy, dark and cold environments, I don’t know why but at night I feel at peace…snow gives me a warm feeling, this picture, the atmosphere, the music, the vibe, it gives me such a surreal sense of belonging…

    1. Gallius Rax

      They make fires feel safer and more likely to be called home. That’s my reasoning behind why we feel sad in a warm fuzzy way. Not sad, not happy. Just kinda emotionally numb to anything, but feel safe in the presence of family, food, shelter, and a good fire.

    1. Jacob Cooper

      What is Dead may never die. we will never loose game of thrones we have the books, the very heart and soul of game of thrones lies in all those who are willing to pass on the story.

      But rises again harder and stronger.

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