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3 Hours Relaxing Sleep Music? Deep Sleeping Music, Rain Sound, Meditation Music “Warm”

Hi. I am a composer who lives in Korea. Tido Kang
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Don't use my music without permission.

?Music Track
Warm – Tido Kang
* 3 Hours Loop

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Music Composition : Tido Kang
Sound : Tido Kang
Art : Tido Kang,Dotol
Music Video : Tido Kang

Copyright ⓒ 2020 Tido Kang All Rights Reserved.





    To some one out there, whoever needs a cheering up right now: fighting!! The storm is only temporary, the storm and raging seas will go and calm down and you will finally see the sun and feel peace. You got this, whatever it is that you’re going through, you will get over it, you will overcome it, you won’t stay there. You are already so strong just being alive and living every day out, so keep going at it, never give up, you can do this. You will overcome. You will succeed. You will get through it all. I got through the storm of a very hard chapter in my life, you will too. Not as fast as we would like, but it will end soon! Don’t give up, be as optimistic as you can! Take that free time to yourself! Do what makes you feel happy and at peace! Don’t neglect yourself and rest, take care of yourself and eat well. You need to vent it out, cry it all out. For you aren’t alone. So many are with you in this long fight called life. And we will all get through it. Everyone will get through it. You got this. You’ve made it so far, look at you, you are never going down. Congratulate yourself on those small efforts- waking up, getting up and going on through your day, doing that homework, caring for yourself, eating well, giving yourself the time you need, feel proud of the resistance you have had through all this time. The storm will pass, it won’t last forever. So to who ever you are, I am very proud of you. I really am. It’s not easy. I know for a fact from personal experience that it’s not. But you’re here. You’re alive and breathing. Your doing so well already. You got this. Keep going you, and reach high. You will get there, you will conquer, you will overcome. Fighting!!! ?✨

  2. Beautiful Relaxing Music

    Hey you. Yes, you. You’re probably scrolling through the comments, like I am, reading all these motivational comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep, and don’t stress about everything going on in the world, or what you are going through. Don’t dwell on things from the past, don’t stress on your future. Just live your life, because you only get one. Do whatever makes you happy, not what other people want from you.
    For me, I’m gonna wake up tomorrow morning, get some exercise, and cherish life for the amazing blessing that it is. I hope you do the same and have an amazing day as well!
    Stay safe and stay relaxed <3

  3. Lizzie Liu

    Thank you for making this. My dad died 6 months ago and I’ve had trouble sleeping ever since. This warm melody somehow calms and puts me to sleep in a matter of minutes whenever I put it on.

  4. Casxy

    Tysm for making this, it really helps me sleep because I have trouble sleeping.
    Again tysm hope you have a good day/night! Stay positive, don’t think about
    What others say. Remember it’s your life, not theirs. Always make right decisions!
    Don’t starve yourself, cry your self to sleep, overthink. You don’t wanna end up like
    Me someday don’t you? Again have a good day/night! Ilysm pls remember that :>

  5. 재벌girl

    For whoever listened to this music while read the comments and got into emotional, I hope you’re still hang in there, for a better tomorrow, for a better life:)
    Don’t forget to thank yourself, for being a best companion, after did such a great job today, and still believe in ourselves that we’re gonna be a better person tomorrow♡♡♡

    For those who having an insomnia, may you get better soon so that you can go to sleep earlier^^ please don’t thinking too much about uncertain things:) just keep imagine all the joyful thoughts^^

  6. Ka Lok

    I haven’t listened to this since my baby was born at beginning of the pandemic… For the first 4 months of life, we would listen to this every. single. night. Sometimes it sounded so happy when I would feel her warm little body by mine. Other times it sounded sad when she would not sleep at all. I would smile, I would cry. Hearing this again makes me feel real warmth and feels so nostalgic now. I will always cherish this song. How the time files.

  7. Meditation Relaxation Music

    If you’re listening this beautiful song and read this comment, Just be in this moment and breathe. I’m praying for everyone falls asleep quickly and has a peaceful sleep. Good night?

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