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1 Hour of Music for Reading Lovecraft, Poe and Horror Stories

Music composed, arranged, recorded, mixed, mastered & produced by Francesco Passanisi

All Rights reserved.

00:00 Intro
01:46 Asylum
04:40 Transition 1
07:13 Joseph Curwen
10:26 Transition 2
13:59 The Ritual
15:54 Transition 3
16:39 Transition 4
19:22 Transition 5
20:00 Nevermore
22:56 Transition 6
25:02 The Pit and the Pendulum
30:06 Transition 7
32:02 Lenore
33:13 Death of Lenore
34:53 Transition 8
35:36 Necronomicon
38:19 Transition 9
39:37 Auguste Dupin
41:52 The Murders in the Rue Morgue
43:38 Transition 10
45:40 Cthulhu's Dreams
49:08 At the Mountains of Madness
52:41 Fear
55:05 Terror
57:11 Transition 11
58:44 Outro

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  1. Victor Matheus

    wtf, i’m reading The Case of Charles Dexter Ward while listening to this, got stoned when i saw the name Joseph Curfew. The difference is that the name shown in the book is Joseph Curwen D:

    1. Victor Matheus

      @Matheus Morto lol, bem curioso cara. Ei, não sei se você usar esses vídeos para ler, jogar rpg ou qualquer coisa do gênero, mas indico também os canais Graham plowman e iron cthulhu

      É simplesmente indescritível ler qualquer história que envolva o oculto/mistério ouvindo esses áudios que ajudam a criar esse ambiente tão soturno que envolve toda a temática lovecraftiana

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