1 Hour of Music for Reading Lovecraft, Poe and Horror Stories
Music composed, arranged, recorded, mixed, mastered & produced by Francesco Passanisi
All Rights reserved.
00:00 Intro
01:46 Asylum
04:40 Transition 1
07:13 Joseph Curwen
10:26 Transition 2
13:59 The Ritual
15:54 Transition 3
16:39 Transition 4
19:22 Transition 5
20:00 Nevermore
22:56 Transition 6
25:02 The Pit and the Pendulum
30:06 Transition 7
32:02 Lenore
33:13 Death of Lenore
34:53 Transition 8
35:36 Necronomicon
38:19 Transition 9
39:37 Auguste Dupin
41:52 The Murders in the Rue Morgue
43:38 Transition 10
45:40 Cthulhu's Dreams
49:08 At the Mountains of Madness
52:41 Fear
55:05 Terror
57:11 Transition 11
58:44 Outro
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Reading The Fall of The House of Usher and William Wilson listening to this. Great playlist 😀
Great. I actually was reading a Poe-story to this music (The Assignation). Will come back more often to this “mix”.
I’m enjoying this sooo much it most certainly is the perfect music to read my stories to ?
Thank you sm I needed smthn to make the mood creepier for Lovecraft ?❤❤
Glad to hear that I’m doing my job right?
this is amazing i love it!!
Perfect timing during The Tell-Tale Heart good job
Listening to this while reading TWD comics
so good to read stephen king with!
41:52 The Murders in the Rue Morgue donde la encuentro completa?
If anyone finds The Ritual 13:59-15:54, please like and reply to me the link. Please and thank you.
@Francesco Passanisi thank you so much ??
Hi, I’ve just uploaded it here on YouTube. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/ODaAyZhte-k
wtf, i’m reading The Case of Charles Dexter Ward while listening to this, got stoned when i saw the name Joseph Curfew. The difference is that the name shown in the book is Joseph Curwen D:
@Victor Matheus em um vídeo gringo de 15 mil visualizações eu encontrei outro brasileiro e que também se chama Matheus, que coincidência.
@Francesco Passanisi haha, btw, Nice ambient music for reading!
And that is because Yog-Sothoth distracted me while I was editing the video… I misspelled the name.
@Matheus Morto lol, bem curioso cara. Ei, não sei se você usar esses vídeos para ler, jogar rpg ou qualquer coisa do gênero, mas indico também os canais Graham plowman e iron cthulhu
É simplesmente indescritível ler qualquer história que envolva o oculto/mistério ouvindo esses áudios que ajudam a criar esse ambiente tão soturno que envolve toda a temática lovecraftiana
@Victor Matheus uso para ler, vou ver suas indicações agora, muito obrigado pelas indicações.
01:46 , 07:13 , 12:20, 32:30, 36:34, 51:33, 55:10
Alguien me ayuda a encontrar la música completa 01:46 Asylum