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1 hour of kpop piano music | s t u d y & r e l a x | September 2019

This kpop piano music is about for whatever you want: read, work, studying, relax… enjoy it! :3 ♡
For this September many of the countries we return to the school, so I have prepared this kpop playlist for people who want to.

Esta playlist de kpop piano es para lo que tu quieras: estudiar, leer, relajarse… Disfruta :3♡
Para este septimebre muchos de los paises volvemos al instituto, entonces he preparado esta kpop playlist para la gente que quiera.


Salut ~
Cette playlist de piano kpop est pour tout ce que vous voulez: étudier, lire, vous détendre … Profitez: 3 ♡
Pour ce mois de septembre, de nombreux pays dans lesquels nous retournons à l'institut, j'ai donc préparé cette liste de kpop piano pour les personnes qui le souhaitent.

our playlist:

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p l a y l i s t ?

❏ 00: 00- 03:54 Euphoria – Jungkook
❏ 03: 54- 07:22 Insomnia -StrayKids
❏ 07: 22- 10:47 Don’t Wanna Cry— SEVENTEEN
❏ 10: 49- 14:33 Palette – IU
❏ 14: 34- 18:51 La Vie en Rose— IZ * ONE
❏ 18: 52- 22:36 Home— SEVENTEEN
❏ 22: 37- 25:44 Countless— SHINee
❏ 25: 43- 29:04 Save me— BTS
❏ 29: 04- 33:36 YES or YES — Twice
❏ 33: 36- 37:22 UN Village— Baekhyun
❏ 37: 22- 41:04 iKON— Love Scenario
❏ 41: 05- 45:58 Power— EXO
❏ 45: 59- 48:33 Humph! – PENTAGON
❏ 48: 34- 52:24 Crown— TXT
❏ 52: 25- 56:20 Stay— BLACKPINK
❏ 56: 20- 59:32 BBIBBI — IU
❏ 59: 32- 1:00:27 Sunny Summer— GFRIEND

✰ c r e d i t s:
❐ Smyang Piano:
❐ DooPiano:
❐ Pair Piano:
❐ Fab Project:
❐ iPianoDude:
❐ Lunar Piano:
❐ chillOwlPiano:
❐ SarahK.Piano:

•ᴥ• s o c i a l m e d i a:
T w i t t e r:
I n s t a g r a m:
W a t t p a d:
S o u n d C l o u d:
s p o t i f y:
p i n t e r e s t:



  1. strawberry ; ♡

    ?00:00 – Euphoria — Jungkook
    ?03:54 – Insomnia — StrayKids
    ?07:22 – Don’t Wanna Cry — Seventeen
    ?10:49 – Palette — IU
    ?14:34 – La Vie en Rose — Iz*one
    ?18:52 – Home — Seventeen
    ?22:37 – Countless — SHINee
    ?25:43 – Save me — BTS
    ?29:04 – YES or YES — Twice
    ?33:36 – UN Village — Baekhyun
    ?37:22 – Love Scenario — iKON
    ?41:05 – Power — Exo
    ?45:59 – Humph! — Pentagon
    ?48:34 – Crown — txt
    ?52:25 – Stay — Blackpink
    ?56:20 – BBIBBI — IU
    ?59:32 – Sunny Summer — G-Friend

  2. Andrela-Chxn

    Read the description!
    Turn on the icon ? for more notifications!

    p l a y l i s t ?

    ❏ 00: 00 – 03:54 Euphoria – Jungkook
    ❏ 03: 54 – 07:22 Insomnia -StrayKids
    ❏ 07: 22 – 10:47 Don’t Wanna Cry— SEVENTEEN
    ❏ 10: 49 – 14:33 Palette – IU
    ❏ 14: 34 – 18:51 La Vie en Rose— IZ * ONE
    ❏ 18: 52 – 22:36 Home— SEVENTEEN
    ❏ 22: 37 – 25:44 Countless— SHINee
    ❏ 25: 43 – 29:04 Save me— BTS
    ❏ 29: 04 – 33:36 YES or YES — Twice
    ❏ 33: 36 – 37:22 UN Village— Baekhyun
    ❏ 37: 22 – 41:04 iKON— Love Scenario
    ❏ 41: 05 – 45:58 Power— EXO
    ❏ 45: 59 – 48:33 Humph! – PENTAGON
    ❏ 48: 34 – 52:24 Crown— TXT
    ❏ 52: 25 – 56:20 Stay— BLACKPINK
    ❏ 56: 20 – 59:32 BBIBBI — IU
    ❏ 59: 32 – 1:00:27 Sunny Summer— GFRIEND

  3. 『ᴊɪꜱᴏᴏ ᴛᴜʀᴛʟᴇ ʀᴀʙʙɪᴛ ᴋɪᴍ』

    To everyone who’s studying with this music:


    • A bottle of water, at least 1 liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate?

    • Your charger. You sometimes don’t even notice that your device’s battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time?

    • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it’s a late night study session, you won’t wake up anyone?

    • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕

    • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨️

    •Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy ?

    Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it’s cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.


    You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that’s even better than listening to music while reading the book. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)


    I hope y’all had a good day, if not, that’s okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight ??


    — Sincerely, ???? ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ♡

  4. Defne

    00:00 – Euphoria — Jungkook
    03:54 – Insomnia — StrayKids
    07:22 – Don’t Wanna Cry — SEVENTEEN
    10:49 – Palette — IU
    14:34 – La Vie en Rose — IZ * ONE
    18:52 – Home — SEVENTEEN
    22:37 – Countless — SHINee
    25:43 – Save me — BTS
    29:04 – YES or YES — Twice
    33:36 – UN Village — Baekhyun
    37:22 – iKON — Love Scenario
    41:05 – Power — EXO
    45:59 – Humph! — PENTAGON
    48:34 – Crown — TXT
    52:25 – Stay — BLACKPINK
    56:20 – BBIBBI — IU
    59:32 – Sunny Summer — GFRIEND

  5. swag girl's vlog

    I really appreciate to those who comments really positive to those who are weak it really helps them alot it encourages them really well the,re way of thinking wow keep going like that and keep commenting saranghie ?

  6. Kpop Fantasy

    This playlist, I used to listen to it everyday with my girlfriend when we study together. Without fail, we would always play this song and also we like K-pop songs. Now, after separating for a month, I come back to this song, lots of memories flashed back. If I had a choice, I’ll not make her cry. If I had a chance, I hope to play this song together with her once more. The saddest part of my life is when the person who gave me the best memories become a memory. I’ll never love anyone else more than her, she’s always ranked #1 in my heart, no matter what she becomes. ????

  7. Nguyễn Ngọc Khánh Nhi

    In my google meet class, I was really stressed for my exams and this made me feel better and I really feel joyful listening to this over and over again. Thank you for making the amazing chemistry of music.

  8. Vedha Iyer

    p l a y l i s t ?

    00:00​ Euphoria – Jungkook
    03:54​ Insomnia -StrayKids
    07:22 Don’t Wanna Cry— SEVENTEEN
    10:49​ Palette – IU
    14:34​ La Vie en Rose— IZ * ONE
    18:52 Home— SEVENTEEN
    22:37​ Countless— SHINee
    25:43 Save me— BTS
    29:04​ YES or YES — Twice
    33:36​ UN Village— Baekhyun
    37:22 iKON— Love Scenario
    41:05​ Power— EXO
    45:59 Humph! – PENTAGON
    48:34​ Crown— TXT
    52:25 Stay— BLACKPINK
    56:20 BBIBBI — IU
    59:32​ Sunny Summer— GFRIEND

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